[Syrphidae] Stackelberg 1956 Sphegina

Sander Bot botsander at gmail.com
Sun May 19 19:50:38 BST 2024

Hi Gerard,

Here you go,

Cheers and enjoy the long Pinksterweekend,

Op zo 19 mei 2024 om 18:10 schreef Gerard Pennards <
gerard_pennards at hotmail.com>:

> Dear All,
> Could someone share the following publication with me? That would be
> great.
> Thanks in advance!
> Gerard
> Stackelberg, A. A. 1956. Neue Angaben über die Systematik der
> paläarktischen
> Sphegina-Arten (Diptera, Syrphidae), II. – Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
> 35(4): 935-943.
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