[Syrphidae] Article Collin 1939

Francis Gilbert Francis.Gilbert at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Jun 2 16:50:21 BST 2024

here we are

From: Syrphidae <syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> On Behalf Of Gerard Pennards
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2024 4:44 PM
To: syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: [Syrphidae] Article Collin 1939

Dear All, Could someone share the following article with me? That would be great!
Thanks in advance, kind regards,

Collin J E (1939) Notes on Syrphidae (Diptera). III. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 75: 104-109
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