[Syrphidae] Do you raise aquatic larval syrphids?

Tessa Kathleen Fortnum tfortnum at uwo.ca
Wed Jul 24 16:37:48 BST 2024

Hello all,

If you (or anyone you know) raise syrphids with aquatic larval stages I would be interested in chatting! I’m hoping to find samples of flies raised at home or in labs as well as the water they were raised in to help calibrate my research.

I am a master's student studying syrphid migration using stable hydrogen isotope analysis. This technique requires a calibration curve with samples from known locations; I have a curve for flies with aphidophagous larvae, but they may differ from those with aquatic larvae.

If you’re interested, please email me at tfortnum at uwo.ca<mailto:tfortnum at uwo.ca>, I’m happy to answer any questions as well.
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