[Syrphidae] Krivosheina 2003

Cyrille DUSSAIX cyrille.dussaix at orange.fr
Mon Aug 5 14:28:22 BST 2024

Maybe a duplicate...

Le 19/07/2024 à 15:46, ximo mengual sanchis a écrit :
> Dear colleagues,
> I wonder if any of you can share with me the English translation of 
> this article:
> Krivosheina MG (2003) A review of flower-flies of the genus 
> /Hammerschmidtia /in Russia with description of /H. ingrica/ (Diptera, 
> Syrphidae) larva. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal (Entomological Review) 82: 
> 687–693.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ximo
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