[Syrphidae] Re: e-book

lasiopa at bknet.dk lasiopa at bknet.dk
Wed Sep 15 13:11:15 BST 2021

Sorry for the confusion. I was busy showing an exterminator where there are woodworms in my carport.

You can find all keys here: https://artfakta.se/artbestamning

Best wishes


Fra: Francis Gilbert <Francis.Gilbert at nottingham.ac.uk>
Sendt: 15/09/2021 12.15
Til: "syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk" <syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>
Emne: [Syrphidae] e-book

hi everyone

Does anyone know if there is an electronic version of the two volumes of Bartsch et al (2009) ?


Prof Francis Gilbert

School of Life Sciences, University Park, 

University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

tel: 0115 951 3215

website: www.nottingham.ac.uk/~plzfg

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