[Syrphidae] Help with a detail from ISS10 - Lesvos

ximo mengual sanchis xmengual at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 11:23:54 GMT 2020

Dear all,

for those who had the chance to enjoy Lesvos and the great congress ISS10,
I do have a question.

I ordered my printed copy of the 'Atlas of the Hoverflies of Greece' with
the discount code (coupon) provided by the authors. The coupons were the
flyers placed on the main desk with the information about the book.

Unfortunately, my confirmed order was rejected (without information), but
after a complain the editorial will accept to give me the same discount in
anew order. The discount code is no longer valid, I know, but can some one
tell me the code again? I do not have the flyer anymore.

Thanks in advance,

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