[Syrphidae] Re: Costa

ximo mengual sanchis xmengual at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 12:02:15 GMT 2019

Hi Ante,

the DEI website (http://sdei.senckenberg.de/biographies/index.php ) says: "
Sammlung (hat etwas gelitten) (zusammen mit der des Vaters O. G. Costa) an
Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli."

I guess it is worth to check Naples.


El vie., 20 dic. 2019 a las 11:42, Ante Vujić (<ante.vujic at dbe.uns.ac.rs>)

> Dear all,
> Do you have any information regarding Costa's collection (1884). He
> described two Merodon species from Sardinia (trochantericus and
> rubidiventris).
> I have two opposite info from different sources:
> 1. Lost
> 2. Should be deposited in Università Federico II in Napoli (Naples), Italy
> Best regards,
> Ante
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