[Syrphidae] Paper request

Stefan Pruner stefanpruner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 10:04:11 BST 2017

Dear Syrphidologists!

Would it be possibe that anyone of you could send me a copy of the
following paper?

Speight, 1996: Cheilosia psilophthalma and Odinia boletina: insects new to
Ireland [...]; Ir.Nat.J. 25, 178-182

I would be pleased. Thank you in advance!


Am 28.06.2017 11:00 schrieb "Jordaens Kurt" <kurt.jordaens at africamuseum.be>:

> Dear all,
> Attached you will find the first issue of the *Pollinator Information
> Network Newsletter* as one of the projected outcomes of a recently
> started JRS Biodiversity Project (more information on this project can be
> found in the *Newsletter*). The *Newsletter* will be distributed four
> times a year and will summarize all new and interesting information with
> respect to plant-pollinator networks, of which syrphids obviously are a
> significant component. Feel free to distribute the *Newsletter* through
> your networks.
> If you wish to see some of your own activities highlighted in the
> *Newsletter*, please do contact me, we plan the distribution of the
> second issue by the end of September.
> Enjoy reading and very best wishes,
> Kurt
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Kurt Jordaens
> Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA)
> Dept. of Biology – Entomology
> Leuvensesteenweg 11-13
> B-3080 Tervuren
> Brussels – Belgium
> Tel. +3227695373 <+32%202%20769%2053%2073>
> -----------------------------------------------------
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