[Syrphidae] Re: Help with Iranian IDs

eckvana eckvana at xs4all.nl
Mon Aug 5 13:20:00 BST 2013

Dear Francis, 

I also have Iranian material in my posession, achieved from Malaise
traps for instance. Amongst them also Spazigaster, Cheilosia, Eumerus
and Pelecocera specimens. 
Most of the specimens showed on photo are hard to identify ofcourse,
without having the specimens itself. 
Therefor I would suggest to invite these students to send me their
material, and cooperate in the future. 

Let me know how they think about this offer please. 

Novo, and the trip to the high Altai has been a great experience! With
thousands of Syrphids caught it will be a true challenge to identify
them ... 

Cheers, André 

André van Eck
Tilburg, the Netherlands

Francis Gilbert schreef op 2013-08-05 11:28: 

> Hello everyone 
> Was the Novosibirsk meeting good? I was so sad not to be able to be there, and hope it went well. 
> I have been contacted by some Iranian students who would like some help with identification. Could anyone help with these photos, please? The contact email is copied above. 
> Thanks! 
> Francis 
> Dr Francis Gilbert 
> Associate Professor of Ecology, School of Life Sciences 
> University Park, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK 
> Tel: +44 (0) 115 951 3215 
> website: www.nottingham.ac.uk/~plzfg 
> ecology.nottingham.ac.uk 
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