[Syrphidae] Re: Re : Re: Re : Publication of the winter ofhoverflies

Steven Falk steven at sfalk.wanadoo.co.uk
Sun Jan 29 22:11:10 GMT 2012

No evidence of adult overwintering for this species in Britain that I’m aware of. It can appear by mid spring and is not amongst the earliest spring species.





From: syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Lukasz Mielczarek
Sent: 29 January 2012 19:34
To: Hoverfly discussion list
Subject: [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Re: Re : Publication of the winter ofhoverflies


Dear All,

I have a male of  Myathropa florea collected on the wall of monastery at 5 April 2009 (Slovakia, Červený Kláštor, Pieniny Mountains, about 450 m asl, leg. Milosz Serafin). It was one of the first quite warm and sunny spring days. In some places  the snow cover was present.
I am convinced that this individual overwinter as adult. Maybe you have more so early observation of Myathropa florea?

Best wishes,
Lukasz Mielczarek

2012/1/29 Pavel Láska <laskap at seznam.cz>

Yes, in Czech also overwinters Lapposyrphus lapponicus as female.    Pavel L.

-------------------                            Original Message ----- 

From: Mutin <mailto:valerimutin at mail.ru>  Valeri 

To: Pierre MILLE <mailto:mille_pierre at yahoo.fr>  ; Hoverfly discussion list <mailto:syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>  

Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:27 AM

Subject: [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Re: Re : Publication of the winter of hoverflies


Dear All,


Now we have 23 degrees of frost. At this time we able to observe only white flies. Real syrphids will appear at April, at once after disappearance of snow-cover. They are males and females of 5-6 species from the genus Melangyna and only females (!!!) of Lapposyrphus lapponicus. I think that the later hibernates like to Bombus or social wasps after autumn copulation. Other adult syrphids start later. 


Adults of Eristalis tenax are find in winter time at our cold buildings, but I did not see never specimens of this species collected before the beginning of July in Primorie (Vladivostok), the middle of July in Amurland (Komsomolsk) or the beginning of August in Sakhalin and Southern Kuril. It is possible, Eristalis tenax arrive to Russian Far East from southern regions annually.

About the hibernation of Lapposyrphus lapponicus there is single phrase in my paper: Life-history and phenology of the Far-Eastern hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) – Natural-Geographic Reseachs/ Science almanac. Issue 2. Komsomolsk-n/A. 2004. Press of Komsomolsk-n/A State Pedagogical University. P.101-107 (in Russian). 

With best wishes from snowy Komsomolsk-na-Amure. Valery

28 января 2012, 02:43 от Pierre MILLE <mille_pierre at yahoo.fr>:

Good evening,


This is an interesting observation, is that this finding has been observed in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland ?


Best wishes




Pierre MILLE 

3 avenue des buttes blanches

95220 Herblay - France



De : Steven Falk <steven at sfalk.wanadoo.co.uk>
À : 'c martens' <martenschantal at yahoo.com>; 'Hoverfly discussion list' <syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 27 janvier 2012 20h56
Objet : [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Publication of the winter of hoverflies


With very mobile species like this, I wonder if they have travelled some distance from breeding grounds and are not strictly overwintering (in the sense of a diapause), esp as they are males rather than females. Auricollis can certainly be one of the commonest early spring syrphids here, but I don’t observe such a strong apttern as tenax & balteatus. Just for info, somebody sent me a batch of flies found sunbathing in a field centre at the end of December. 28 species – mainly muscids, anthomyiids & heleomyzids – included Polietes lardarius & meridionalis – which I think you know about.








From: syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of c martens
Sent: 27 January 2012 19:04
To: Hoverfly discussion list
Subject: [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Publication of the winter of hoverflies


I had Meliscaeva auricollis in my garden ( Belgium ):

2 December 2011 (2 males, 1 female)

15 January 2012 (1 male)



Also very strange that 3 of them are males.


Best wishes,



From: Steven Falk <steven at sfalk.wanadoo.co.uk>
To: 'Pierre MILLE' <mille_pierre at yahoo.fr>; 'Hoverfly discussion list' <syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Publication of the winter of hoverflies


The main ones in Britain are Eristalis tenax and Episyrphus balteatus, the only two species you might expect to appear on a mild winter’s day (other spring species such as E. pertinax, Meliscaeva auricollis, Melangyna 4-maculata need a longer period of warm weather to emerge so are presumably at the pupal stage). I believe that Eristalinus aeneus has also been found hibernating in the adult stage in winter, but as a coastal species, such overwintering would be less noticeable.


Best wishes,




From: syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Pierre MILLE
Sent: 27 January 2012 12:48
To: Hoverfly discussion list
Subject: [Syrphidae] Re : Publication of the winter of hoverflies


Hello every one,


Let me

ask you because I like to know if there is publication on the hoverflies that would be able to spend the winter as adults. 


Is it a

rare or known ? Does research have been done about it ?


Best wishes




Pierre MILLE 

3 avenue des buttes blanches

95220 Herblay - France



De : Frank Van de Meutter <Frank.VandeMeutter at bio.kuleuven.be>
À : Hoverfly discussion list <syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 27 janvier 2012 8h55
Objet : [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Pipizella paper

Hallo Jeroen,

je zonnet.nl <http://zonnet.nl/>  adres bounced (mailbox vol) dus dan maar ook via de maillijst. Hopelijk krijg je dit wel toe?
Voor mij ook een exemplaar. Heel leuk overigens dat je het werk van Jan Lucas afmaakt.



Van: syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=syrphidae-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk>  [syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=syrphidae-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk> ] namens ruud van der weele [rvanderweele at gmail.com <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=rvanderweele@gmail.com> ]
Verzonden: donderdag 26 januari 2012 9:24
Aan: Pierre MILLE; Hoverfly discussion list
Onderwerp: [Syrphidae] Re: Re : Pipizella paper

Yes, and your name is in Dutch "Piet"!

I admit it is childish!


2012/1/26 Pierre MILLE <mille_pierre at yahoo.fr <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=mille_pierre@yahoo.fr> >:
> Hello Jeroen,
> In French, your name is Jerome :)
> If you agree send me a copy of your article, I will receive it by email.
> Best wishes
> Pierre
> Pierre MILLE
> 3 avenue des buttes blanches
> 95220 Herblay - France
> De : Jeroen van Steenis <j.van.steenis at xmsnet.nl <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=j.van.steenis@xmsnet.nl> >
> À : syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk <http://e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sentmsg?compose&To=syrphidae@lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
> Envoyé le : Mercredi 25 janvier 2012 14h37
> Objet : [Syrphidae] Pipizella paper
> Dear All
> My paper "Steenis, J. van and Lucas, J.A.W. 2011. Revision of the
> West-Palaearctic species of Pipizella Rondani, 1856 (Diptera, Syrphidae)
> Dipterists Digest 2011 18, 127-180" is out.
> It is a large paper and takes about 4 Mb in two separate PDF files. Anyone
> interested can reply to me and I will send it personally.
> Best wishes, Jeroen.
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