Re: [Syrphidae] IV International Symposium on Syrphidae

Mutin Valeri valerimutin at
Wed Mar 14 07:14:29 GMT 2007

Dear Gunilla! 

I'd like to arrive in the Symposium together with my wife. She is name Vera. At present she is rather a far from entomology. Last years Vera was sometimes my travelling companion when I collected syrphids near our dacha in the environs of Pivan Village.  But a long time ago (1982-1983) we lived in Vladivostok and worked in the Institute of Biology and Soil Science, at that time she was laboratory assistant and had collected and prepared aphids for my colleague, who called two new species in the honour of Vera. To my shame I was never together with Vera the outside of the Far East. I want correct this condition next summer by joint travel to  St. Petersburg and Helsenki.

We need a letter of invitation as participants of the Symposium. My wife has other family. She is Skurikhina Vera. She has not foreign passport yet. I think that it is not a problem, and she will get passport before our trip. But I do not know which will be a transliteration of her family in the foreign passport (Skurikhina or Skurihina).
By the way about our invitation, at present Vera is state official, her job is not concerned with biology, natural science or education. Can we use united invitation or not the same ones?

We will pay full board, registration fee and the excursion at the registration desk. We need a registration for shared double room. 

I want to produce three reports, one oral presentation and two posters. The title of my oral presentation is "The evolution directions of the Oriental hover-flies (Diptera; Syrphidae) of the subgenus Sphegina  (Asiosphegina)". The title of the joint (with Vera) poster is "Hover-flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of Pivan Village and its environs as typical local syrphid fauna of the Lower Amurland". The title of other my poster is "An evolutional reversion of the character into Sphegina lobata species-group (Diptera, Syrphidae)".

We will be glad to have a few addition days for excursions in Helsenki after the Symposium. I'd like to receive a letter of invitation with 29th June before 5th July and to ask your advice to find inexpensive and suitable hotel in Helsenki for last 2 days.

In summary, must I send additional e-mail application to syrphidae07 'at' luomus 'dot' fi?

Yours, Valeri

-----Original Message-----
From: gunilla.stahls at
To: syrphidae at
Date: Thu,  8 Feb 2007 20:46:01 +0200
Subject: [Syrphidae] IV International Symposium on Syrphidae

> Dear Colleagues,
> General information and a registration form for the IV International 
> Symposium on Syrphidae, Siikaranta, Espoo, Finland, June 29 - July 3, 
> 2007, is posted on the website, thanks to Bastiaan.
> We will post additional information when available, please check the 
> website regularly.
> On behalf or the organizing committee
> Gunilla Stahls
> -- 
> Contact information as of 21 Nov 2005:
> Dr. Gunilla StЕhls-MДkelД
> Finnish Museum of Natural History
> Entomology dept.
> PO Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
> FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
> Phone: +358-9-191 44135
> Fax: +358-9-191 44430
> E-mail: gunilla.stahls at
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