[Public-engagement] Invitation to Youth Voice workshop - 22 May at City as Lab

Maria Richards Maria.Richards at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu May 9 17:31:17 BST 2024

Dear Colleagues

The Institute for Policy and Engagement have been working with staff across our institution to contribute to the ongoing UNICEF Child Friendly Nottingham programme<https://childfriendlynottingham.org.uk/#:~:text=Child%20Friendly%20Nottingham,-We%20want%20Nottingham&text=We%20plan%20to%20work%20together,spaces%20that%20shape%20their%20lives.>.

We would like to invite you to our next workshop in partnership with Nonsuch Studios, City as Lab and Nottingham City Council. Focusing on creating a survey for the programme, set to go live later this year, this workshop is an opportunity for you to understand and contribute to the programme.  Hear presentations from those undertaking survey work with young people, share your experiences and help us shape the questions that are asked and the tools used to interpret the data.

The event is on Wednesday 22 May from 10 am to 1 pm (lunch provided) in Building C, Castle Meadow Campus and is open to all staff and researchers. Please see agenda for the workshop below. If you would like to learn more about current activity, the future of the programme and how the council plan to monitor success please register to join us here<https://forms.office.com/e/RJRj4Siwk7>.

 10:00   Welcome, Maria Richards and Prof Paul Grainge, University of Nottingham

10:10   Presentation and activity, Ed Boott and Caroline Rowland, Nonsuch Studios

10:40   Presentation, Tara Webster-Deakin, CLAS, University of Nottingham and Rachel Quinn, Nottingham YMCA

11:00   Break

11:10   Presentation of the Child Friendly Nottingham challenge, Nottingham City Council

11:20   Group work, feedback

12:10   Next steps

12:20   Lunch and networking

13:00   Close

We hope to see some of you there.

Best wishes


Maria Richards (she/her)
Head of Public Engagement

Twitter: @UoN_Institute

Institute for Policy and Engagement
A03, Highfield House
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Work mobile: 07976 951571

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