[Public-engagement] EOI Opportunity: Research England Funding for Policy Support or Participatory Research 2024/25

Br-The-Institute theinstitute at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 24 15:56:53 BST 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Research England has indicated that UoN will be allocated grants from their Policy Support and Participatory Research Fund for the academic year 2024/25. These funds will be managed by The Institute for Policy and Engagement, working in close collaboration with the Internal Funds R&I team.

In order to allocate these in a timely fashion once confirmation arrives, we are inviting expressions of interest for both funding schemes.

  *   Fund total available is anticipated to be £350k for Policy Support and £120k for Participatory Research.
  *   Submissions must be led by a UK based UoN member of staff.
  *   Funds to be spent between 1 September 2024 and 30 June 2025.
  *   Projects must demonstrate how they meet the objectives of the funds, assessment criteria for each fund is listed here<https://uniofnottm.sharepoint.com/sites/Institute/SitePages/RE-funding-call-2024-25.aspx?OR=Teams-HL&CT=1718896180141>.
  *   Successful applicants will be notified by 2 September.

Anyone wishing to express interest in this funding should apply through RIS opportunity 36294689<https://nottingham-research.worktribe.com/record.jx?recordid=36294689> by midday Monday 5 August 2024.

Please note once the allocation is confirmed money will be allocated based on the information submitted through the EOI process.  Because of the short timeframes involved, we do not plan to run a full application process after the funding is confirmed.

If you have any queries about this EOI please contact internalfunding at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:internalfunding at nottingham.ac.uk>.

The Institute Team

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