[Maths-Education] First Announcement ICMT5 in Trondheim, Norway

Pepin, Birgit b.e.u.pepin at tue.nl
Thu Jul 18 11:42:18 BST 2024

Dear list-owner of the Nottingham distribution list,

Please distribute the message below and attachment across your list.

Many thanks!

Best wishes,
Birgit Pepin

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Fifth International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT5) which will be held in Trondheim from June 17th to 20th, 2025.

The conference is about all issues related to the development and design, content, history and use of mathematics curriculum resources in print or digital format. The intention is to cover curriculum resources from pre-K to university settings, as well as those for home or out-of-school settings.

Contributions should relate to mathematics curriculum resources (including, but not restricted to, textbooks) in any medium (including, but not restricted to digital or print), and should address at least one of the following themes:

  1.  Theoretical and/or methodological issues in the design of curriculum resources
  2.  Theoretical and/or methodological issues in research on curriculum resources
  3.  Theoretical and/or methodological issues in evaluation of curriculum resources
  4.  Studies of the use of (including interaction with) curriculum resources by students and/or teachers (including student teachers and teacher educators)
  5.  Studies of the production, selection, acquisition and distribution of curriculum resources within educational systems and institutions
  6.  Studies of relations between educational policy and curriculum resources
  7.  Comparative studies of curriculum resources (including, but not restricted to, international or transcultural studies)
  8.  Historical perspectives on curriculum resources
Perspectives on implications of new technical developments (such as artificial intelligence) for curriculum resources.
Please note that the deadline for symposia and research papers is the 20th September 2024; for posters the deadline is 1rst November 2024. Please find the First Announcement attached.

Feel free to share the announcement with colleagues and friends who are interested in this field of research. For more information, please visit the conference website: https://www.ntnu.edu/icmt5/.

With best wishes,

Birgit Pepin (chair of IPC)  and Iveta Kohanová (chair of LOC)
on behalf of the IPC and LOC

Prof. dr. Birgit Pepin
Hoogleraar/Professor (emeritus) of Mathematics/STEM Education
Eindhoven School of Education (ESoE); Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
23, Cascade (room 3.15), P.O.Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven; Tel. +.31 (0)40 247 7301
URL: https://www.tue.nl/en/our-university/departments/eindhoven-school-of-education/about-esoe/staff/detail/ep/e/d/ep-uid/20143164/
URL: https://www.4tu.nl/cee/en/

Visiting Professor of Mathematics Education
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
ILU- Department of Teacher Education, Trondheim, Norway

New publication:
Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education
Editors: Birgit Pepin, Ghislaine Gueudet & Jeff Choppin

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