[Maths-Education] 15th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching - Second Announcement

Clark-Wilson, Alison a.clark-wilson at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 15 14:48:37 GMT 2021

Dear colleagues,

At the end of a year when the world was required to quickly adapt to using a vast range of (educational) technologies, can I raise awareness of the second announcement for the 15th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, which takes place in Copenhagen from 13th -16th September 2021.

The conference is organised by the Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University, and its venue is on campus Emdrup, located in Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen, Denmark.

The ICTMT conference series is unique in bringing together lecturers, teachers, educators, curriculum designers, mathematics education researchers, learning technologists, and educational software designers who share an interest in improving the quality of teaching and learning. Through its character, the conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in this field to discuss and share best practices, research approaches and results, theoretical know-how, innovation and perspectives on educational technologies and their impact on the teaching and learning of mathematics. The ICTMT15 hands-on workshops have been a regular feature at which many of us have had opportunities to play with new and more established technologies – not just theorise about them!

We look forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen!
Kind regards,

Dr Alison Clark-Wilson

Principal Research Associate
Connected Learning Lead (IOE-CCM)
Research Impact and Engagement Lead (IOE-CCM)

UCL Knowledge Lab
UCL Institute of Education
University College London
23-29 Emerald St

mobile: 00 44 (0)7815 609791
twitter: @aliclarkwilson

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