[Maths-Education] First Call for Abstracts: King's College onference, Aug 8-13, 2022

Alan Rogerson alanrogerson at cdnalma.poznan.pl
Tue Jun 22 12:21:56 BST 2021

*Thank you for publicising our previosu conferences, we would be most 
grateful if you could pass on the message below through journals, lists 
or blogs. As we are a purely educational and philanthropic project we 
rely on friends to assist us with publicity.**
**Best wishes,**
**Alan and Jasia**
**Conference Organnisers*

*16**^th **International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the 
Future Project: **/Building on the Past to Prepare for the Future/***
*King’s College, Cambridge University, UK: **Aug 8-13 2022.*
*For all information please see: 
<https://directorymathsed.net/kings-conference/>(Files may go to your 
/Downloads Folder/). *





*Photograph Courtesy of King’s College, Cambridge
**The Mathematics Education for the Future Project was founded in 1986 
as an educational, non-commercial and philanthropic initiative to 
encourage and promote innovation in mathematics, science, statistics and 
computer education. *
*Since 1999 we have held 15 international conferences which were 
renowned for their friendly and productive atmosphere and were attended 
by many /movers and shakers/ in education world-wide. *
*We now warmly invite abstracts for papers and workshops **dealing with 
all aspects of innovation in education. Please reply to 
*****alan at cdnalma.poznan.pl <mailto:alan at cdnalma.poznan.pl>* **
*Best wishes and stay safe,*
*Alan Rogerson and Jasia Morska,
Conference Organisers
** **//

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