[Maths-Education] Opportunities at Loughborough

Matthew Inglis M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Jul 30 14:40:52 BST 2019

Dear all

Further to my message below, the various job adverts associated with Loughborough's new Centre for Mathematical Cognition are now live. 

Note that along with the posts mentioned in my last message, we are also advertising four PhD studentships (ideally for an October start) and two postdoctoral research associate roles.

Full details are available at:

Please do pass these opportunities on to anyone who might be interested.

Many thanks


> On 15 Jun 2019, at 15:59, Matthew Inglis <M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear all
> I’m pleased to announce that Research England has awarded Loughborough University £6.6m to set up a new Centre for Mathematical Cognition. 
> Here’s a press release:
> https://www.lboro.ac.uk/media-centre/press-releases/2019/june/mathematics-research-centre-aims-to-boost-numeracy/
> The important news is that we will soon be advertising eleven new posts. These will be:
> - eight permanent academic posts, available at all levels from professor to lecturer
> - three research fellowships, fixed term until August 2021, designed for early career researchers interested in conducting their own programme of independent research.
> We also have funding for a number of phd studentships.
> The basic idea of the Centre is to bring together three different types of researchers in one unit: people who conduct basic research on mathematical cognition, people who design research-based educational resources (especially those who want to integrate insights from more basic research), and people who evaluate educational interventions. The rationale is our belief that education research would benefit from more bidirectional communication between these different stages of research (so basic researchers could ask questions relevant to issues designers face in their work, and so on).
> The bulk of the teaching associated with the new permanent posts would be education or psychology modules on a new BSc Psychology and Education programme, but there will also be a possibility to contribute to teacher professional development courses, existing undergraduate mathematics or statistics modules (especially modules designed for engineering students), or our mathematics teacher training programmes.
> We expect to formally advertise these posts in the next few weeks. But in the mean time, if you have any questions about these opportunities, please do get in touch with me or Camilla Gilmore.
> All the best
> Matthew
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