[Maths-Education] CADGME+TAME and Linz Creativity in STEAM Education Conferences Announcements
Zsolt Lavicza
lavicza at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 12:20:49 GMT 2018
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider attending or presenting at the next CADGME-Digital Tools in Education and within it the TAME-Technology and Arts in Mathematics Eduction Working Group on June 26-29 Coimbra, Portugal (see announcement below and on the website: https://www.uc.pt/en/congressos/cadgme2018)
Before CADGME+TAME, we will organise the Creativity in STEAM Education conference in Linz on 19-20 April:
You can also find a list of STEAM conferences here:
We would appreciate if you could forward this message or announcements to interested colleagues and students.
Looking forward to meeting you this year! If you have any questions please contact Zsolt Lavicza at zsolt.lavicza at jku.at.
Kind regards,
Linz STEAM Education Team
> ===========
> Dear Colleague: Please consider contributing to the “Technology and Arts in Mathematics Education” (TAME) Workshop at the Conference on Digital Tools in Mathematics Education (CADGME) 2018 (Coimbra, Portugal, June 26-29, 2018).
> Enclosed please find the Call for Contributions to the Workshop.
> Thanks for your interest and for helping disseminating the announcement among your colleagues!
> Further information at the web www.techartmathedu.tk
> With best regards,
> Tomas Recio
> Technology and Arts in Mathematics Education (TAME)
> Workgroup/Workshop
> www.techartmathedu.tk
> at the
> 7th CADGME Conference on Digital Tools in Mathematics Education
> June 26-29, 2018
> Coimbra, Portugal
> Organizers
> • Kristof Fenyvesi (fenyvesi.kristof at gmail.com), University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Bridges Organization, USA - Experience Workshop Math - Art Movement.
> • Zsolt Lavicza (lavicza at gmail.com) Johannes Kepler University, STEM), Education Centre, Linz, Austria; Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary; University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Queens' College, U.K.
> • Tomás Recio (tomas.recio at unican.es), Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
> • Carlota Simões (carlota at mat.uc.pt), Directora del Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
> Aim and scope
> Discussions on the connections between mathematics, art and technology are active and pertinent today. Various experts working in different scientific and technological fields are inspired by phenomena that combine mathematical and artistic qualities. Respectively, several contemporary artists, graphic designers, craftsmen, and craftswomen are fascinated by scientific discoveries, mathematics, and geometry and use the formulas and principles of each in different ways in their artistic and creative work. These can hold great potentials for teachers to enrich their teaching content and provide more motivation and engagement for their students. Schools are offered with various technological solutions, which can present mathematics & art connections on stimulating ways. Several educational projects and methodologies are implementing different interpretations of the relationship between these areas: teachers, education researchers and artists share a common interest in combining creative thinking, intellectual curiosity, and aesthetic sensibility in the learning process.
> In the Technology and Arts in Mathematics Education (TAME) Workgroup we would like to explore these connections through examining each others’ good practices in the field and by fostering a didactical, theoretical exchange of ideas.
> Structure
> • Presentations and panel discussions at the associated TAME Workshop will be the main working format of the workgroup.
> • A conference by Pedro Freitas (University of Lisbon) about the painter Almada Negreiros and his connections to geometry (c.f. https://gulbenkian.pt/almada-comecar/almada-e-a-geometria/ ) is already planned at the TAME working group.
> • Moreover, there will be an exhibition related to the TAME aims at the Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra (http://www.museudaciencia.org ), involving Robert Fathauer ( http://robertfathauer.com), Ho Gul Park (http://en.4dframe.com) and Penousal Machado (https://cdv.dei.uc.pt/authors/penousal-machado/ ).
> • A mathematical tour through Coimbra’s beautiful monuments and streets is also planned as a complementary TAME activity.
> Submissions
> If you are interested in proposing a talk related to the TAME group please send an abstract through the Easy Chair system:
> https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cadgme2018
> specifying in the abstract that it is submitted for TAME. You can submit just an abstract (max. 300 words); in this case, you should also convert it into pdf to meet the requirements of the EasyChair submission protocol.
> Tentative abstract submission deadline is February 28, 2018; early submissions are appreciated.
> News about the session should be posted at the CADGME 2018 conference web page https://www.uc.pt/en/congressos/cadgme2018 and at the workshop web page (in construction) www.techartmathedu.tk
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Dr Zsolt Lavicza
Johannes Kepler University, STEM Education Centre, Linz, Austria
Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Queens' College
Director of Research:
International GeoGebra Institute (IGI): http://geogebra.org
JKU STEM Education Centre, Research Methods: http://www.jku.at/idm/content
Geomatech Project: http://geometech.hu
Main: lavicza at gmail.com
GeoGebra: zsolt at geogebra.org
JKU: zsolt.lavicza at jku.at
Metropolitan: zlavicza at metropolitan.hu
Cambridge: zl221 at cam.ac.uk
Geomatech: zsolt.lavicza at geomatech.hu
Phone: (Hungary): +36 20 587 7847
(Austria): +43 677 61290679
(UK): +44 7962 488 222
Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count;
everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted. (Albert Einstein)
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