[Maths-Education] National Research Coordinator for NNEM Wales – Swansea University

Lyakhova S. s.lyakhova at swansea.ac.uk
Tue Jul 4 14:00:36 BST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Swansea University is currently recruiting the National Coordinator for Research in Mathematics Education for National Network for Excellence in Mathematics which has been recently established in Wales.  The position is fixed term till March 2018 but is expected to be extended annually. NNEM is funded by DfES in the Welsh Government.

Please see http://www.swansea.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/details.php?nPostingID=4857&nPostingTargetID=8228&option=52&sort=DESC&respnr=1&ID=QHUFK026203F3VBQB7VLO8NXD&LOV4=7813&JOBADLG=UK&Resultsperpage=20&lg=UK&mask=suext
for more information. Applications are due July 16, 2017.

Best wishes,
Sofya Lyakhova

Dr Sofya Lyakhova; PGCE/TAR; Senior Fellow HEA/ Uwch Gymrawd Academi Addysg Uwch
FMSP Wales Programme Leader/Senior Tutor
FMSP Wales Arweinydd y Rhaglen/Uwch Ddarlithydd

Tel/ffon: +44 (0)1792 602793

Further Maths Support Programme Wales
Rhaglen Gymorth Mathemateg Bellach Cymru
Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Sefydliad Gwyddorau Mathemategol a Chyfrifiadurol Cymru

Research in Mathematics Education Group, Mathematics Department, College of Science

Room 283a                                             Room 283a
Talbot                                                      Talbot
Swansea University                                Prifysgol Abertawe
Singleton Park                                        Parc Singleton
Swansea SA2 8PP                                 Abertawe SA2 8PP
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