[Maths-Education] PhD position in mathematics education (epistemology, embodied cognition)

Bakker, A. (Arthur) A.Bakker4 at uu.nl
Mon Aug 22 15:57:30 BST 2016

Dear colleagues,

If you know students who are looking for a PhD position on embodied, extended and embedded cognition from a philosophical or mathematics educational perspective, please refer them to

3 positions as PhD students (1,0 FTE)<http://www.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4063&VacatureID=849205>

The Digital Turn in Epistemology (DigTEp)
Research Project
DigTEp is a collaboration between the faculties of Science and of Humanities of Utrecht University (UU), and the faculty of Philosophy of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The multidisciplinary project DigTEp lies on the cross roads of:

  1.  philosophy of mathematics (PhD 1)
  2.  logic (PhD 2)
  3.  ICT development and mathematics education (PhD 3)

All three PhDs will share an office at the Freudenthal Institute<http://www.uu.nl/en/research/freudenthal-institute> in the faculty of Science of Utrecht University.

Embodied, Embedded and Extended Cognition (E3C) marks the recent Turn in Epistemology, the philosophy of knowledge, as well as in Cognitive Science. The three Es indicate that our knowledge and capacities are not located in our skulls, but extend to, and are distributed over:

  1.  our bodies, which are always embedded in their environment they interact with;
  2.  the artifacts we use, varying from paper notebooks to ICT.

The mediation of knowledge acquisition and application by ICT is becoming so dominant and ubiquitous (smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, world-wide web) that Epistemology must take a further, Digital Turn. DigTEp concentrates on the following epistemological questions: How to make sense of mathematical knowledge after the Turn in epistemology to E3C, given its abstract character? Does the Digital Turn affect the genesis and the essence of mathematical knowledge? When practical knowledge is primary and propositional knowledge is derivative (E3C), how does this ‘derivation’ work in a digital environment? To answer these pressing philosophical questions, an empirical case study in epistemology will be performed of the acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills in a controlled ICT-embedded environment, by secondary-school pupils. For a more detailed description of the contents of DigTEp, and of the individual PhD projects, please send an e-mail to the supervisor of the PhD project you wish to apply for.



Dr Arthur Bakker | Freudenthal Institute | Faculty of Science and Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences| Utrecht University | tel. 030 253 5641 | a.bakker4 at uu.nl |  scaffolding <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11858-015-0738-8> (ZDM 2015), tussen opleiding en beroepspraktijk <https://webwinkel.vangorcum.nl/NL_toonBoek.asp?PublID=5035-0> (2016), vocational knowledge<http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12186-015-9145-0> (V&L, 2016), Eye-tracking Piaget<http://www.karger.com/Journal/Issue/271518>(2016)

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