[Maths-Education] Fwd: Call for chapters on emotions in mathematical thinking and learning
Matthew Inglis
M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk
Sat Nov 8 08:31:21 GMT 2014
Dear all, please see a message below from Ulises Xolocotzin. Thanks, Matthew.
Call for book chapters on:
To be published by Elsevier Academic Press, 2016
Editor: Ulises Xolocotzin (UNAM, Mexico)
The last 25 years have seen an increasing interest in the ways in which emotions might influence the learning, instruction, and practice of mathematics. The relevant research covers an ever-expanding breadth, reflecting the diversity of the academic and cultural backgrounds of those scholars who are actively studying the connections between mathematics and emotions.
There has been an important progress in understanding the interplay between emotions and mathematical activity. However, resources integrating the current state of knowledge are lacking and much needed. Researchers and students working in this subject are often unaware of the contributions made by colleagues in other fields, presumably because they publish in different journals and attend different conferences. This book will contribute to support the coordination of perspectives across disciplines.
This book aims to attract an international cadre of authors from different disciplines, in order to offer a comprehensive coverage of research concerning emotions and their relation to different aspects of learning, teaching, and practicing mathematics.
The chapters in this book will draw on the advances made by researchers from different fields, such as mathematics, education, mathematics education, cognitive psychology, educational psychology, neuroscience, learning sciences, affective sciences, as well as K-12 mathematics teachers. Readers can expect to see chapters based on diverse epistemological traditions and research methodologies, such as self-reports, interviews, ethnography, brain imaging, behavioral experiments, or automatic emotional expression analysis. However, the focus of the book will be to identify and highlight overarching theoretical concepts and methodological alternatives that might be relevant across disciplines.
The areas covered by the book include, but are not limited to:
Numerical cognition
• Emotions and number sense
• The influence of emotions in the processing of symbolic and non-symbolic representations of number
• Neuroscience perspectives on the relationship between emotions and numerical cognition
Mathematical activity
• The influence of emotions on mathematical activities such as calculation, problem solving, argumentation and probing
• The relationship between emotions and performance in specific mathematical domains such as arithmetic, algebra, or geometry.
• Positive emotions in relation to mathematics, e.g., interest, enjoyment, curiosity, wonder, or aesthetic experiences
Individual differences
• Emotional experiences of children with disabilities, individuals with mathematics difficulties, or high achievers in mathematics
• Recent advances in mathematics anxiety and performance under stress
• The influence of emotions in individuals’ attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics
Teaching and learning mathematics
• Mathematics teachers’ emotions and their influence in students’ learning
• Teachers’ understanding of their students’ emotions
• The emotions experienced whilst learning mathematics in the school and in informal settings
• The role of emotions in the use and design of mathematics learning technology
Social and cultural factors
• Cross-cultural studies on emotions and mathematics
• Emotional experiences related to mathematics amongst individuals in challenging social settings, for instance in contexts of political tension and immigration.
• Stereotype threat and performance in mathematics
Theoretical frameworks and methodologies
• Theoretical views integrating cognition and emotion in relation to mathematical activity
• Chapters addressing methodological issues in the study of the intersection between emotions and mathematics.
Submission procedure:
Those interested in submitting chapters on the above suggested topics or on other related topics in their particular area of interest should submit a 2-4 paragraphs manuscript proposal to emotionsandmathematics at gmail.com<mailto:emotionsandmathematics at gmail.com> outlining the proposed chapter by January 16, 2015.
You will be notified about your proposal by January 30 2015.
Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have until May 1st to prepare a chapter of 5000-8000 words.
Revised chapters due: July 1st 2015
Ulises Xolocotzin
Research Associate
Institute of Research on the University and Education
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
uxe at unam.mx<mailto:uxe at unam.mx>
+52 (55) 56226986 ext. 2449
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