[Maths-Education] Call for papers for MTED special issue

Hunter, Jodie J.Hunter1 at massey.ac.nz
Tue Jul 29 02:24:40 BST 2014

Call for papers

Mathematics Teacher Education and Development

Special Issue: Practice-based Teacher Education

Reforms in mathematics education advocate 'responsible' or 'ambitious' pedagogies that engage students actively in inquiring and justifying their reasoning within learning communities. In this frame, teaching is viewed as both interactional and improvisational work centred on students' mathematical thinking and reasoning. Managing the contingent nature of ambitious teaching requires that novices learn a range of core high-leverage practices including eliciting and interpreting student thinking, leading class discussions and facilitating small group work, positioning students as competent, creating a classroom culture of collaboration, to name some examples. This requires different forms of teacher education than the traditional focus on academic or theoretical topics.

Practice-based teacher education attempts to focus teachers' learning more directly on the work of teaching. As such, advocates of practice-based education focus on specifying teacher practices that entail both knowledge and doing. Pedagogical approaches within teacher education include experimentation with modelling, rehearsals and other approximations of practice, and may also include the use of video and other artefacts (e.g., virtual worlds) of teaching for representing and decomposing practice.

The purpose of this special issue is to increase our understanding about what it means to design and engage with practice-based teacher education and how practice-based approaches can support teachers in learning how to use knowledge in action to advance the socio-political justice agenda in mathematics education. We invite a wide variety of research and conceptual articles which explore practice-based teacher education either in the pre-service or in-service professional learning context.

This is an open call to the mathematics education community to submit a proposal consisting of a 500 word extended abstract. The following should be clearly outlined within the abstract:

1)      Title of the paper and author/s

2)      Objectives/purpose/research question

3)      Perspective/theoretical framework

4)      Methods/techniques/modes of inquiry

5)      Data sources/evidence/materials

6)      Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for claims made/arguments/point of view

7)      Scientific/scholarly significance of the study

Please send extended abstracts (of 500 words) to Jodie Hunter at j.hunter1 at massey.ac.nz<mailto:j.hunter1 at massey.ac.nz> by 10th of October 2014. Submissions will be considered by the SI editors by the 31st of October. Full papers will be due by the 20th of February 2015, and publication is expected by December 2015.

The editors of this Special Issue are: Jodie Hunter (Massey University, j.hunter1 at massey.ac.nz<mailto:j.hunter1 at massey.ac.nz>), Glenda Anthony (Massey University, g.j.anthony at massey.ac.nz<mailto:g.j.anthony at massey.ac.nz>), Roberta Hunter (Massey University, r.hunter at massey.ac.nz<mailto:r.hunter at massey.ac.nz>)

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