[Maths-Education] Fw: ATM Special e-news re Kath Cross

Sue Pope sa.pope at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 27 13:47:37 GMT 2014

For colleagues who would like more information
-----Original Message-----
From: Association of Teachers of Mathematics <WebAdmin at atm.org.uk>
Sender: "Association of Teachers of Mathematics" <WebAdmin=atm.org.uk at mail51.atl71.mcdlv.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 12:50:46 
To: <sa.pope at yahoo.co.uk>
Reply-To: Association of Teachers of Mathematics <WebAdmin at atm.org.uk>
Subject: ATM Special e-news


It is with great sadness that ATM announces the sudden and untimely death of longstanding member Kath Cross (http://www.atm.org.uk/about/people/kath-cross.html ) on February 23.
Kath's funeral is on Wednesday, 5 March.  A private cremation will be followed by a service at Westbury Gardens United Reformed Church, Westbury Gardens, Blackburn  BB1 1XF (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/search/Westbury+Gardens+United+Reformed+Church,+Westbury+Gardens,+Blackburn++BB1+1XF/@53.7465152,-2.4533216,17z) at 12:15pm.  The service will be a celebration of Kath’s life so traditional funeral attire is not necessary.  Tea and cake will be served in the adjoining hall after the service. All are very welcome to attend the service.
Donations in lieu of flowers in memory of Kath can be made for East Lancashire Hospice, c/o Altys Funeral Service (W.M. Alty, Broomfield House, Bloomfield Place, Blackburn BB2 1XF).
ATM is hosting a celebration of Kath's tremendous contribution to mathematics education, coordinated by Lynn Churchman, Anne Haworth and Sue Pope. This will take place immediately after BCME on Thursday 17 April 12:30 to 15:30, starting with a light buffet lunch. All are very welcome.

If you wish to participate please let Kerry Belcher (http://kerrybelcher@atm.org.uk)
know by Monday 31 March.

If you wish to contribute in some way (beyond attending) please send details to Sue Pope (mailto:kerrybelcher at atm.org.uk)
by Wednesday 26 March.


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