[Maths-Education] Choosing Our Futures: A Roadmap for STEM Education

Hodgen, Jeremy jeremy.hodgen at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Apr 23 15:57:45 BST 2014

Choosing Our Futures: A Roadmap for STEM Education
June 10 2014, QEII Centre, Westminster

TISME final conference, with keynote speakers Dr Andreas Schleicher (OECD)
and Professor Lord Robert Winston (Imperial College, House of Lords)

This conference is free of charge but registration is essential. Places are on a first come first served basis. To reserve a place, please email us<mailto:tisme-admin at kcl.ac.uk?subject=TISME%20roadmap%20conference>


Morning theme: Equality, Attainment and Participation in STEM

09:30 Coffee and registration
10:00-10:30 Keynote: Dr Andreas Schleicher, (OECD)
10:30-11:00 Keynote: Professor Lord Robert Winston (Imperial College, House of Lords)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 Parallel sessions (part I)

Session A: The Gender Agenda: womens'/girls' participation in science and maths - what are the issues, what are the solutions?

Prof. Louise Archer (King's College London); Prof. Michael Reiss (Institute of Education); Prof. Peter Main (Institute of Physics) & guest speaker tbc

Session B: Raising attainment/achievement in science and maths - what are the issues, what are the solutions?

Prof. Jeremy Hodgen (King's College London); Prof. Kenneth Ruthven (University of Cambridge); Sam Freedman (Teach First); Dr Josh Hillman (Nuffield Foundation)

12:30-13:30 Parallel Sessions (part II)

Session C: Social class, ethnicity and participation in science and maths - what are the issues, what are the solutions?

Prof. Louise Archer (King's College London); Dr Matt Homer & Dr. Indira Banner (University of Leeds); Dr Tony Sewell (Generating Genius) and guest speaker tbc

Session D: Improving pedagogy in science and maths - what are the issues, what are the solutions?

Prof. Kenneth Ruthven (University of Cambridge); Prof. Jeremy Hodgen (King's College London); Tom Bennett (Times Education Supplement) and guest speaker tbc

13:30-14:00 Lunch

Afternoon theme: Constructing a roadmap for STEM education research and policy

14:00-15:15: Panel debate and discussion: Constructing a roadmap for STEM education:

Chair: Prof. Anthony Tomei

Panellists: Dr Kevan Collins (Education Endowment Foundation); Keith Herrman (Careers Sector Stakeholder Alliance); Pauline Hoyle (MyScience/SLCS) and Tom Richmond (Senior Policy Analyst, DfE)

15:15: Concluding remarks and close


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