[Maths-Education] A position as associate professor in University Science Education University of Copenhagen

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Apr 9 13:32:10 BST 2014

A position as associate professor in University Science Education

At the Dept. of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, a position at the associate professor level is open for appointment. The position involves research, development work and teaching in the area of higher education with a special focus on university science, where "science" refers to the disciplines represented at the Faculty of Science.

The successful candidate should have made original and practice-related contributions to international research in this area. Applications should contain a concise, ambitious plan for future research involving one or more of the study programmes at the Faculty of Science (as contexts of interesting research problems, collection of data, etc). Candidates are also encouraged to explain how they see their plans in relation to the research carried out by faculty in the research group "University Science Education" of the Department, to which the positions will be attached. The department hosts a variety of research specialties and we welcome applicants who could strengthen existing areas and applicants who could build up new ones. Experience with supervision of graduate students and with attracting research funding, particularly at the European level, would be an asset.

The successful candidate will have a wide range of qualifications and experience to play a key role in the teaching and educational development work of the Department. The Department of Science Education provides initial and continuing professional development for teachers at the Faculty of Science, and is central in the dissemination of good practices in teaching and assessment, curriculum enhancement and innovation at the Faculty. Moreover, the University of Copenhagen pursues an ambitious program for teaching quality, and the Department of Science Education is heavily involved in projects within and beyond the Faculty, as part of this programme - currently, with themes such as the use of portfolio documentation of teaching accomplishments, the interaction between science teaching and research, and the inclusion of innovation competency in graduate education. Projects are usually carried out in cooperation with other departments and faculty members at the Faculty of Science and in some cases also at other Faculties. Ability to use Danish as a working language is expected within the first years of employment.

The teaching activities related to the positions will primarily include university teaching training programmes (such as our Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme or "Universitetspædagogikum"), including supervision.

Documentation of quality accomplishment in teaching within the area of the position should include a teaching portfolio following the guidelines of the University (see http://kuur.ku.dk/paedagogik_og_didaktik/paedagogiske-retningslinjer/teaching_portfolio/).

More information on the position and the work by University Science Education group can be obtained by contacting the research group leader, Professor Lars Ulriksen (Ulriksen at ind.ku.dk).

According to the Ministerial Circular on Job Structure<http://www.ubst.dk/lovgivning/personalejura-medarbejdere/ny_stillingsstruktur_eng.pdf>), the applicant is expected to be able to document scientific production at an international level, satisfactory teaching experience, and fund raising skills. The position is tenured.
Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State (http://perst.dk/Service%20Menu/Love%20regler%20og%20aftaler/Circular/2012/~/media/Circular/2012/013-12.ashx). While negotiation for salary supplement is possible, the starting salary is currently
For Assoc. Professor - up to DKK 441,149 including annual supplement (+ pension up to DKK 75,437)
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY ONLINE below. Please note that the materials that should be considered in the assessment must be attached the application form you will find under APPLY ONLINE.

Please include in the following order:
- Curriculum vitae (with applicants e-mail address & telephone number)
- Description (max. 5 pages) of current and proposed research including its relation to other research at the Department
- Description and documentation of teaching experience and qualifications (see guidelines here<http://www.science.ku.dk/ansatte/service/loen_og_ansaettelse/ansaettelse/vip_ansaettelser/TeachingQualifications_SCIENCE_Maj_2011_JMu.doc/>)
- Full contact details (Name, address, telephone & email) of 2 professional references
- Complete publication list indicating max. 5 papers particularly relevant to the application
- Reprints of the 5 particularly relevant papers

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The deadline for applications is xx (day) xxx (months) XXXX (year). Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be considered. Please refer to the following no. in future communication in this case: 211-0XXX.

Assessment of applicants will primarily consider their level of documented, original scientific production at an international level, including contributions to developments in their field. The teaching, managerial, out-reach, and innovative qualifications of applicants will also be considered.

Further procedure:
- Applicants will be notified of the composition of the assessment committee
- Applicants must provide supplementary documentation if requested by the committee
- Applicants may be summoned for an interview and/or requested to give a trial lecture
- Each applicant will receive that part of the assessment relating to him/herself.

Best Wishes,


Dr Peter Gates
Centre for Research in Mathematics Education
School of Education
+44 (0)115 951 4432 | peter.gates at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:peter.gates at nottingham.ac.uk> | University web Page<http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/Education/People/peter.gates> |  www.petergates.org
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