[Maths-Education] MMU Assistant Head of Department: Science, Technology and Mathematics Education.

Tony Brown A.M.Brown at mmu.ac.uk
Wed Apr 2 15:37:12 BST 2014

We are currently advertising for the post of Assistant Head of Department/ Academic Division Leader: Science, Technology and Mathematics Education.
Further information is at https://www.jobs.mmu.ac.uk/mmujobsite/VacancyDetail.aspx?VacancyUID=000000008360
The closing date is 24 April.

Please visit the MMU jobs page for current opportunities in the Faculty, www.mmu.ac.uk/jobs<http://www.mmu.ac.uk/jobs> Please do give this information to your colleagues, networks and partnership school contacts who may also be interested.

Professor Tony Brown

Educational and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University

Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2RR, UK

0161 434 6355


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