[Maths-Education] Fwd: International Doctoral Programme REASON

Matthew Inglis M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk
Fri May 3 11:56:54 BST 2013

Dear all

Here's an interesting PhD funding opportunity based in Munich.

Best wishes


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Stefan Ufer <ufer at math.lmu.de>
> Subject: International Doctoral Programme REASON
> Date: 3 May 2013 07:34:14 BST
> To: <M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk>
> Dear Matthew,
> together with colleagues from the University of Munich (LMU) we have recently attracted funding for an international graduate program on Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation called "Reason". The research in the programme will cover aspects of scientific reasoning in different domains like mathematics, science, medicine, and education. Projects will particularly focus one or more of the following aspects (a) cognitive aspects of scientific reasoning and argumentation, (b) the role of (epistemic) emotions, (c) the role of cooperation and (d) the role of technological support for scientific reasoning and argumentation.
> Attached you can find a job offer for 12 Ph.D. positions in this program. I would be very happy if you could point excellent Bachelor's or Master's students of yours to this. Moreover, graduates from teacher education programms are eligible in most cases.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Stefan Ufer
> --
> -----------------------------------------------
> Prof. Dr. Stefan Ufer
> Chair of Mathematics Education
> Department of Mathematics
> Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
> web www.ed.math.lmu.de<http://www.ed.math.lmu.de>
> email ufer at math.lmu.de
> tel +49-89-2180-4451
> fax +49-89-2180-4161

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