[Maths-Education] Royal Society survey

Ian Jones I.Jones at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Aug 21 17:34:20 BST 2013

For UK-based mathematics education experts, please consider responding to the below survey request from the Royal Society's Vision Committee for Science and Mathematics Education 5-19.

Ian Jones
Mathematics Education Centre
Loughborough University

The Royal Society has, since the 1660s, been working to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of everyone.

The Society is currently looking at the long-term future of science and mathematics education in the United Kingdom. Its Vision Committee has scrutinised a large amount of evidence and held workshops with teachers and teacher educators in England – with Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to follow in the autumn – to scrutinise and critique its developing Vision.

The Vision Committee’s emerging Vision is for: inspirational education systems that will deliver both scientifically and technologically informed and engaged citizens and appropriate numbers of qualified people who wish to take up science and technology-based careers. The Vision is set out in more detail here http://royalsociety.org/education/policy/vision/ .

The short questionnaire (see link below) is designed to broaden consultation on the Vision and its underpinning Principles. It will enable you (anonymously, if you choose) to feed in your views and help steer the Vision Committee’s thinking. While a number of questions relate specifically to aspects of science and mathematics education, many are concerned with wider educational issues.

The survey is largely ‘tick box’ in format and should take around 25 minutes to complete. Space is also provided for comments. Note that we may publish extracts from submissions on our website or in other outputs. Please inform us if you do not want to be identified in anything we publish or highlight clearly any particular aspects of your submission that you would wish to be anonymised.

We are especially interested to hear from education professionals as we believe that teachers, lecturers and school and college leaders are at the heart of any inspirational education system. Input to, and ownership of, our Vision by the teaching profession are critical to success.

We very much look forward to your input. If you have any queries about the Vision, please email the team at: vision at royalsociety.org

Sir Martin Taylor FRS, Chair of the Vision Committee
July 2013

Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RSVision

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