[Maths-Education] Royal Society Vision Survey

David Pratt D.Pratt at ioe.ac.uk
Mon Nov 12 08:35:11 GMT 2012

Dear colleagues,

I wonder if you might help the collection of data for an important survey which will impact on the future of mathematics education.

Below is a link to a survey being conducted by the Institute of Education as part of the Royal Society Vision for Science and Mathematics Education 5-19 project. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and will close on 21st November.


The Royal Society’s ‘Vision’ project aims to determine what needs to be done to transform science and mathematics education in the UK and make it as inspiring and effective as possible. This survey is an important element in seeking out data that will inform future strategy; it is open to all teachers of maths and science in the UK.

You may feel able to complete the survey yourself and/or you might be able to forward this email to maths and science teachers with whom you have contact.

Any help you can give is much appreciated,

Best wishes,



Dave Pratt
Professor of Mathematics Education
Faculty Director for Research

Institute of Education
University of London
20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Tel: +44 (0)207 612 6655
d.pratt at ioe.ac.uk

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