[Maths-Education] Maths-Art seminars at London Knowledge Lab, 8 November: What makes music 'music'? Explorations using zygonic theory

Phillip Kent phillip.kent at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 00:17:43 GMT 2012



An LKL Maths-Art Seminar
by Adam Ockelford
Thursday 8 November, 6.00 - 7.30pm 

Music exhibits complex structures of pitch and rhythm (which have often
been analysed in terms of abstract mathematical set relationships) yet
it is a remarkable fact that almost all people can intuitively make
sense of music, without the need for formal education. This talk
introduces ‘zygonic’ theory, a powerful analytical model developed by
Adam Ockelford, which can be used to make sense of questions such as
'where music exists' and ‘would music still exist if humans ceased to be
around?’. The model can be used to show how music differs from verbal
language, specialist communication systems such as Morse Code and clock
chimes, and everyday sounds such as birdsong. It provides insights into
the nature of learning, memory and creativity, and particularly as this
is observed in exceptional learners such as those having severe autism
or congenital blindness. 

ADAM OCKELFORD is Professor of Music at the University of Roehampton. He
has had a lifelong fascination with music as a performer, composer,
teacher and researcher. His research interests are in music psychology,
education, and theory; special educational needs and the development of
exceptional abilities. Adam is Secretary of the Society for Education,
Music and Psychology Research ('SEMPRE').

TIME: 6.00 to 7.30pm on Thursday 8 November
PLACE: London Knowledge Lab, 23-29 Emerald St, London, WC1N 3QS
[Travel information & maps at: http://bit.ly/LKL-MathsArt-venue ]

Next seminars: 13 December, Pre-Xmas Mathematics and Art "Hands On"

*LKLMathsArt on YouTube: videos from the Maths-Art seminars. 

*Visit the website and seminar archive:
*Join the email list for future seminar announcements:

Dr Phillip Kent, London Knowledge Lab
p.kent at ioe.ac.uk   phillip.kent at gmail.com 
www.phillipkent.net    m: 07950 952034

Dr Phillip Kent, London, UK
mathematics  education  technology  research
phillip.kent at gmail.com  mobile: 07950 952034
"Man's rush to the n'th floor is a neck-and-neck race 
 between plumbing and abstraction" - Rem Koolhaas

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