[Maths-Education] Fully Online Tertiary Mathematics Research

Sven Trenholm S.Trenholm at lboro.ac.uk
Fri May 13 14:19:25 BST 2011

An international survey to investigate tertiary staff approaches to assessment in FULLY ONLINE mathematics modules (including those using invigilation and live orientation sessions) is being run out of the Mathematics Education Centre of Loughborough University.  The survey is confidential and anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete.  The survey link is: https://www.survey.lboro.ac.uk/fullyonlinemaths.  While any tertiary staff teaching FULLY ONLINE mathematics modules are welcome to participate, those teaching any level of statistics or calculus are of particular interest.

Any questions may be directed to Sven Trenholm.
Thank you,

Sven Trenholm
Mathematics Education Centre
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire
LE11 3TU, UK
S.Trenholm at lboro.ac.uk
mathelearning at gmail.com
+44 (0) 1509 22 8212

The Mathematics Education Centre is a recognized UK centre for research into Mathematics Education in the Higher Education sector. For more information, please visit http://mec.lboro.ac.uk/

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