[Maths-Education] Re: Early algebra references

Bob Ansell bob.ansell at northampton.ac.uk
Thu Mar 10 15:19:29 GMT 2011

Hi Alison,

We are using Algebra in the Early Grades, Edited by James Kaput, David 
Carraher and Maria Blanton. This is proving effective on our Williams 
Maths Specialist Programme.

It is a substantive text and offers a 'research-based early algebra 
story' to quote from the preface.

It presents a wide range of pedagogical perspectives.

Bob Ansell

On 10/03/2011 14:46, Alison Price wrote:
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> I am doing some work on early sorting, matching, categorisation leading into
> handling data and graphing etc..
> I am finding it difficult to find much research on the early stages of this
> - lots of babies' understanding of categorisation but little at the 3-6 age
> group that is not either anecdotal or from a theoretical mathematical
> perspective (e.g. set theory) but not clearly related to an understanding of
> how children develop these ideas.
> What am I missing?
> Alison Price

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