[Maths-Education] Fwd: Commemorative day in memoriam of Prof. Filippo Spagnolo; May 9th

Alan Rogerson alan at rogerson.pol.pl
Sat Apr 23 13:01:41 BST 2011

Dear friends and colleagues in Maths Education,

You will have heard of the sad and untimely passing of Professor Filippo 
Spagnolo from Palermo, a man loved and respected by all who knew him. We 
met more than 30  years ago in Palermo and we enjoyed many times 
together at conferences, and with his family in his apartment in Palermo 
and his home in the nearby countryside.   He was a wonderful, 
entertaining and unforgettable friend: hospitable, charming, and always 
full of energy. He was a man of integrity who worked tirelessly for his 
students and his colleagues, and he will be remembered especially for 
his original research work on comparative education and culture in China 
and the West.

Below is a message from Benedetto Di Paola, please contact him for 
further details of the programme for the commemorative day in memoriam 
for Filippo on May 9th.

Filippo, our dearest friend, we miss you and will always miss you. In 
Hamlet's words 'A was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look 
upon his like again."

Best wishes,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Commemorative day in memoriam of Prof. Filippo Spagnolo; May 9th
Date: 	Fri, 22 Apr 2011 12:54:22 +0200 (CEST)
From: 	dipaola at math.unipa.it
To: 	alan at rogerson.pol.pl

Dear Alan,
on behalf of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics and the
G.R.I.M. Research Group in Math Education of the University of Palermo,
it’s my pleasure to communicate you that on May 9th, a commemorative day
in memoriam of Prof. Filippo Spagnolo will be held in Palermo. Could you
help me to forward this message to all the friends of Filippo at the
international communities that you think could be happy to receive this
news about him?
I will send you all the details on the complete program of the event
(Professor involved, time schedule and place of the event) ASAP.

My best regards,

Benedetto Di Paola, PhD
University of Palermo
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Via Archirafi, 34; Palermo
dipaola at math.unipa.it

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