[Maths-Education] WG10 CERME7

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Mar 14 12:45:37 GMT 2010

    CERME7: Working Group 10

    Diversity and Mathematics Education: Social, Cultural and Political


Paola Valero (Denmark) paola at learning.aau.dk <mailto:paola at learning.aau.dk>

Sarah Crafter (UK), Uwe Gellert (Germany), and Núria Gorgorió (Spain)

    Scope and Focus of WG10

The group is interested in discussing /research/ that addresses how 
/diversity/ impacts /possibilities for practice/ in mathematics 
education. The three elements highlighted are understood as follows:

1. By /diversity/ we understand the fact that students, teachers, 
parents and many other participants in mathematics education, as well as 
the contexts where mathematics education takes place, are becoming more 
complex and varied. Diversity might be expressed in terms such as 
gender, ethnicity, language, social and socio-economic status, 
disability, qualification, life opportunities, aspirations and career 
possibilities, etc. Contexts are diverse in terms of the variety of 
sites where mathematics education takes place, and the differences in 
the organization and structure of practice in such contexts -schools, 
homes, workplaces, etc.

2. By /possibilities of practice/ we understand that, in most concrete 
situations of mathematics education, the multiple diversities mentioned 
above intersect, posing challenges to actual learning and teaching 
practices, as well as to their improvement.

3. Finally, when talking about /research/, we focus our understanding in 
the systematic reflection, of either empirical or theoretical nature, on 
the ways in which diversity affects possibilities of mathematics 
education practice. We narrow to research using inter-disciplinary 
perspectives including fields such as socio-cultural and discursive 
psychology, education, anthropology, linguistics, sociology, political 
sciences, and philosophy.

    Call for papers and poster proposals

We will be particularly interested in theoretical, methodological, 
empirical or developmental papers focusing on the social, cultural and 
political challenges/issues of mathematics education.

Notice that the enlarged focus of the group (in relation to previous 
CERME's) means that cultural diversity is only one of the possible focus 
for the current conference. We invite researchers who particularly work 
with sociological, anthropological, discursive, political and 
philosophical perspectives to read mathematics education practices, to 
consider submitting to this group.

Papers should use the CERME7 WORD template, and conform to the 
guidelines at _www.xyz.etc <http://www.xyz.etc>_. To submit it, you must 
email your paper as a WORD document to Paola Valero at 
paola at learning.aau.dk AND at the same time to the conference secretariat 
at _cerme7 at xyz.etc <mailto:cerme7 at xyz.etc>. _If possible please also 
send a pdf version /in addition/ to the WORD document.

    Reviews and Decisions

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers, as far as 
possible chosen among other contributors to the group or from the group 
participants. The process will NOT be blind review, and it is intended 
to be supportive, since the spirit of the working group should be as 
democratic and inclusive as possible. If you submit a paper to WG 10, 
you are likely to be asked to review one or more papers.

    Important dates

15^th September 2010: Deadline for submission of papers.

1st October 2010: Deadline for submission of poster proposals

22^nd October 2010: Deadline for reviewers to submit their reviews.

1st December 2010: Deadline for revisions to papers.

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