[Maths-Education] Programme leader for SKE courses at UCP Marjon

Paul J. Wilson pjwilson at marjon.ac.uk
Mon Feb 1 08:30:07 GMT 2010

Dear all

A full-time vacancy has arisen for a Senior Lecturer to act as Programme Leader for the full range of the TDA funded subject knowledge enhancement courses in mathematics.  Details attached.  See also http://www.marjon.ac.uk/aboutmarjon/employmentvacancies/


Roger Fentem and Paul Wilson

University College Plymouth St Mark &amp; St John
Derriford Road   Plymouth  PL6 8BH
<P>Phone 01752 636700   Web  marjon.ac.uk
<BR>Principal: Professor Margaret Noble 

A Church of England College Founded in 1840
University College Plymouth St Mark &amp; St John is a registered charity the trustee of which is a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 986239

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