[Maths-Education] International Directory of Mathematics Educators

Alan Rogerson alan at rogerson.pol.pl
Thu Oct 29 09:32:48 GMT 2009

Dear friends,
It has been a hectic four days start, many thanks to so many of you who 
have written in with your new or amended entries. Also thanks to David 
Reid for checking the (I hope) occasional error (...no one is prefect... 
as someone quipped).
David Leigh-Lancaster (thanks), and others, have raised a very important 
issue. Many people, even on the List and in the Directory,  are not 
aware of how names get on the Directory. In general names are not 
solicited or nominated by others for entry as such. Every entry must be 
made only by the individual concerned, and on a voluntary basis. The 
Directory is OPEN in the sense there are no criteria for entry other 
than a personal involvement in maths education, which could cover other 
areas than school and university teaching. So it is basically up to an 
individual to nominate themselves.
I will make a point of publicising widely this aspect of the Directory 
to encourage as many as possible to enter, and I hope all of you will do 
what you can to encourage colleagues to send in their entries (in 
standard form please!) so the Directory can hopefully expand and serve a 
wider audience world-wide.
It is also noticeable that some countries are not well represented and 
many not there at all! We have just created three new country files: 
Austria (restored), Botswana (welcome) and Poland (I blush to confess 
who is the only entry there so far!). Our ever diligent computer guru 
Michal (big thanks) is ready to create many more files so please suggest 
to your international contacts that they send in their entries to me, 
whether or not their country is represented yet.
Vive Le Directoir! .... as they say,
Best wishes

PS Please don't hit Reply to this if you are sending in an entry, but 
email me directly at alan at rogerson.pol.pl

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