[Maths-Education] Colloquium in Ottawa
Richard Barwell
rbarwell at uottawa.ca
Thu Oct 8 23:06:36 BST 2009
[apologies for cross-posting]
Dear colleagues,
This is to let you know about an exciting colloquium on methodological
issues to be held in Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 December.
The meeting is limited to 35 people and is designed to provide a space for
participants to work and think in relation to methodological issues arising
in their research.
Our invited speakers/facilitators are Brent Davis (UBC, Canada) and Steve
Lerman (London, South Bank University, UK).
Thanks to generous support from the Fields Institute, Toronto, the
registration fee for this tremendous opportunity is ONLY 50$ (Canadian or
For more information, see below. For an application form contact
richard.barwell at uottawa.ca.
Les renseignements sont aussi disponibles en français.
Faculté d'éducation Faculty of Education
Université d'Ottawa University of Ottawa
145 J-J-Lussier 145 J-J Lussier
Ottawa K1N 6N5 Ottawa K1N 6N5
Canada Canada
Methodological Issues in Mathematics Education Research Colloquium
University of Ottawa, Canada
December 4 6, 2009
The MERU Colloquium in Methodological Issues in Mathematics Education
Research is a 3-day colloquium. Investigating mathematical learning,
thinking, and teaching is a complex endeavour and many different research
methodologies are used to do this. There are few venues available in which
to share and discuss research methodology in mathematics education. Thus,
the aim of this colloquium is to provide an opportunity for researchers to
work together on methodological issues arising from their research in the
field of mathematics education. The colloquium is designed to allow time for
sustained discussion that will be grounded in participants¹ particular
methodological issues.
For more details, background, and discussion document see our wiki at
Invited Speakers
Brent Davis, David Robitaille Research Chair, Faculty of Education,
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of British Columbia,
Stephen Lerman, Head of Educational Research, Department of Education,
Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, London South Bank University, UK
Location, dates and times
The MERU Methodological Issues in Mathematics Education Research Colloquium
will be held at the University of Ottawa. The University of Ottawa is in the
heart of downtown Ottawa, Canada with access to a variety of cultural and
recreational activities.
The Colloquium will begin on Friday, December 4, 2009 at 4:00 pm and will
finish on Sunday, December 6 at noon. The program consists of a combination
of plenary discussion sessions facilitated by the Invited Speakers, Davis
and Lerman as well as working group sessions where participants grapple with
particular methodological issues, organized by and generated by the
submitted issue papers.
This colloquium is being organized by the Mathematics Education Research
Unit (MERU) of the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. We would like
to thank The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences,
Toronto, Canada (website) for providing generous financial support for this
Organizing committee:
Richard Barwell, University of Ottawa, Richard.barwell at uottawa.ca
Barbara Graves, University of Ottawa, bgraves at uottawa.ca
Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa, suurtamm at uottawa.ca
Georges Touma, University of Ottawa, Georges.Touma at uottawa.ca
The colloquium will include some plenary talks that are open to the academic
community. However, the majority of time will consist of focused seminars
and working groups. In order to provide time and space for intense
discussion the working group portions of the colloquium can only accommodate
35 participants, of which at least 5 will be graduate students. As space is
limited, we suggest that interested participants register early.
Participants will not be expected to present a paper: this is a working
colloquium. Participants would be asked, however, to submit a short (max
4-pages) issue paper in which they contextualize and describe a
methodological issue relating to their research. These papers must be
submitted no later than November 1, 2009 and will be used as the basis for
organizing some of the small group activities and will be circulated to all
Accommodations at the University of Ottawa¹s New Residence are provided as
part of the colloquium package.
The accommodations are in shared suites. Each suite consists of two private
bedrooms, a kitchenette and a three-piece washroom. Each private bedroom is
furnished with a desk, chair, dresser and double bed. The kitchenette is
equipped with a microwave, fridge, kitchen table and chairs.
On the registration form, please indicate which nights you require
accommodations. For instance, the colloquium starts on Friday evening and
continues until Sunday noon but you may also require another night¹s
accommodation either on Thursday before the colloquium or on Sunday evening,
depending on your travel arrangements. Also, please indicate on the
registration form if there is someone with whom you would like to share a
Due to the generous financial support of The Fields Institute and support
from MERU and the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, the cost of
the colloquium to participants is $50, non-refundable, which is due at the
time of registration. Your registration includes participation in the
colloquium, accommodation as outlined above, and all meals from Friday
dinner until Sunday lunch (inclusive). You are responsible for your own
transportation costs.
How to Register
Complete the registration form and submit it with your $50 (Canadian or
U.S.) registration fee as soon as possible as space is limited. We will
confirm receipt of your registration form via e-mail. To complete your
registration you must also submit your issue paper no later than November 1,
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