[Maths-Education] International Directory of Mathematics Educators

John Bibby johnbibbyjohnbibby at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 17:56:46 GMT 2009

Apologies! At the very moment I clicked it I spotted the email address was
'Group' not Alan. JOHN

2009/11/27 John Bibby <johnbibbyjohnbibby at gmail.com>

> Dear Data Commissar
> Can I be reinstated please? (I prefer no phone number please)
> Bibby, John, _johnbibbyjohnbibby at gmail.com_, aa42/University of York, 1
> Straylands Grove, York YO31 1EB, UK, http://maths.york.ac.uk/www/hvf
> Your Humble Proletarian Servant (currently on Thanksgiving Tour to Berkeley
> and Stanford)
> 2009/11/27 Alan Rogerson <alan at rogerson.pol.pl>
>> ***********************************************************************************************************
>> This message has been generated through the Mathematics Education email
>> discussion list.
>> Hitting the REPLY key sends a message to all list members.
>> ***********************************************************************************************************
>> NB: Please do NOT hit Reply to this if you are sending in a Directory
>> entry, but email alan at rogerson.pol.pl directly.
>> Dear friends on the List,
>> International Directory of Mathematics Educators
>> Thanks to those of you who have sent in entries and encouraged others to
>> do so. The initial rush has quietened down now, so maybe an Update will be
>> helpful.
>> 1) We have added several new countries to the Directory, and dozens of new
>> and modified entries.
>> 2) Our computer guru Michal has put colourful national flags on all the
>> pages and also added a Visitor count. Later he plans to re-vamp the whole
>> site when he has time.
>> 3) You may have noticed some minor inconsistencies in formatting on the
>> pages, especially extra line spaces. This is a technical glitch caused by
>> different default formats for different entries, and can be easily (but not
>> quickly) fixed. Michal will do this later when he re vamps the whole site.
>> 4) Please read and follow the suggestions below if you want to send in new
>> or amended entries
>> If you would like to be included in The Directory please send to
>> alan at rogerson.pol.pl. your complete entry in standard format, and I will
>> cut and paste it into the Directory so your entry will be "owned" by you.
>> The standard format in the Directory consists of the following items, all
>> in one continuous line, separated by commas and spaces:
>> surname or family name, given name(s), email address, postal address(es),
>> telephone number(s), (and URL(s) if you wish)
>> Please follow this example in its formatting:
>> Gates, Peter, _peter.gates at nottingham.ac.uk_, Centre for the Study of
>> Mathematics Education, School of Education, University of Nottingham,
>> Jubilee Campus, Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK, (+44) (0) 115 951 4432, Fax: (+44)
>> (0) 115 846 6600, http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/education/staff/pgates/htm
>> Notice that personal titles are not included.
>> If you are already on the list, would you be kind enough to verify that
>> all your details are currently correct and your email addresses and URLs
>> actually work, and if not could you send me your complete updated version as
>> above? Quite a few of the entries are quite old now and some of you might
>> well have had several promotions since your entry  was added!
>> Looking forward to getting more entries, and thanks to all of you for your
>> patience and cooperation.
>> Please send us any ideas or suggestions for improving the pages.
>> /Vive Le Directoir!/ .... as they say,
>> Best wishes,
>> Alan
> --


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