[Maths-Education] Maths-Art Seminars at London Knowledge Lab: Tom Wilkinson, ''Energy – A source of Inspiration", 10 March

Phillip Kent phillip.kent at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 16:18:03 GMT 2009



An LKL Maths-Art seminar by
Tom Wilkinson
Tuesday 10 March, 6.00 - 7.30pm

Stemming from an early fascination with illusion and movement, Tom
Wilkinson’s kinetic sculptures draw inspiration from energy at
astronomical to quantum levels. The sphere is of particular interest to
Wilkinson, considering it to be the purest form in the physical world,
the shape to which all matter, when fluid, gravitates. In this talk I
will touch on the work of artists who also found maths and science
fascinating namely the Arte-Povera movement of the 1970s, particularly
its metaphysical humour and fascination with Fibonacci numbers, the
mathematical sequence that is woven throughout nature.

Tom Wilkinson [www.tomwilkinson.com] has produced public artworks to
commission throughout the UK. His work has recently been exhibited with
the Kinetica Museum in the group London shows 'In Flux' and 'Creatures
Great and Small', the latter now on show in Budapest. He is currently
designing a wind-powered light sculpture for Barking Park, the
directness of wind energy he finds particularly appealing.

TIME: 6.00 - 7.30pm, Tuesday 10 March 2009
PLACE: London Knowledge Lab, 23-29 Emerald St, London, WC1N 3QS
[Travel information / Maps at: http://bit.ly/LKL-MathsArt-venue ]

All welcome. No reservation required, but an email to
lkl.maths.art at gmail.com would be appreciated for planning purposes

Next seminars: April 14, Richard Henry, 'The Language of Symmetry in
Islamic Art'; May 12, Clive Head and Michael Paraskos, 'Can Science Save
Art? Moves Towards a Wider Mathematics of Art'; June 9, Alan Sutcliffe,
'Doyle Spirals'.

*Visit the website and seminar archive:
Join the email list for future seminar announcements:

Dr Phillip Kent
London Knowledge Lab - Institute of Education
23 - 29 Emerald St
London WC1N 3QS
p.kent at ioe.ac.uk
tel 020 7763 2156   mobile 07950 952034
www.RISKatIOE.org , www.phillipkent.net


Dr Phillip Kent
London Knowledge Lab - Institute of Education
23 - 29 Emerald St
London WC1N 3QS
p.kent at ioe.ac.uk
tel 020 7763 2156   mobile 07950 952034
www.RISKatIOE.org , www.phillipkent.net

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