[Maths-Education] Help needed for ERME

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Feb 3 12:24:20 GMT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing as treasurer of the European society for Research in
Mathematics Education (ERME) to see if there is someone in the UK maths
ed. community who can give me some help. Before his death, Graham
Littler worked hard to get ERME registered as a charity, and was dealing
with all the arrangements needed by the charity commissioners. I have no
experience of doing this, and feel nervous about taking it on in
addition to my treasurer's role. I suspect it  would not be a very time
consuming task for someone who knew what they were doing. So I am
wondering whether there is anyone who has experience of managing the
accounts for a charity who would be prepared to take on this aspect of
work for ERME. 

If you think you would be able to help, please contact me by email
(janet.ainley at le.ac.uk) or by phone (0116 252 3690).


Professor Janet Ainley
Director 			      Chair
School of Education		British Society for Research into
Learning Mathematics
University of Leicester		http://www.bsrlm.org.uk/
21 University Road
Leicester LE1 7RF

tel: +44 (0)116 252 3690
email: janet.ainley at le.ac.uk 
webpage: www.le.ac.uk/education/currentstaff/janetainley/

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