[Maths-Education] FW: Positions at Deakin University, Australia

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Sep 12 15:18:04 BST 2008


Positions in the School of Education at Deakin University, Australia
The School of Education is one of four Schools in the newly formed
Faculty of Arts and Education and is entering an exciting growth period
with a new Head of School. The School is a leading provider of primary
and secondary teacher education, early childhood educator preparation,
and adult, vocational and applied learning. It also offers a range of
innovative and flexible postgraduate and higher degree by research
programs.  Courses are offered to on-campus students at Burwood
(Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong) and Warrnambool, and to off-campus
students throughout Australia and internationally. The School has a
vibrant research culture and is involved in a number of ARC funded
projects. Collaborative and team-based research programs are fostered
through research groups and the School hosts a Deakin University
Research Priority Area (RPA) - Educational Futures and Innovation (EFI).
As the School enters this exciting new growth stage, we offer the
following opportunities:

Associate Professors/ Senior Lecturers (Multiple positions)
We are seeking academics with strong profiles to provide teaching,
research and service leadership in:
*         Education Studies (Burwood or Geelong)
*         TESOL/ LOTE (Burwood)

Senior Lecturers/ Lecturers/ Associate Lecturers (Multiple positions)
We are seeking academics with strong profiles to build our teaching,
research and service capacity in:
*         Adult, Vocational and Applied Learning (Geelong)
*         Early Childhood Education (Burwood)
*         Education Studies (Burwood or Geelong)
*         Health and Physical Education (Burwood)
*         Studies of Humanities, Societies and Environments (Burwood)
*         Language and Literacy Education (Burwood)
*        Mathematics Education (Burwood and Warrnambool)
*         Science Education (Burwood)
*         Arts Education (Warrnambool)
Applicants should have a teaching qualification and must possess a
relevant Doctorate or substantial progress towards completion. The
ability to work across areas would be a distinct advantage. The
positions are full-time and part-time and continuing, subject to
satisfactory completion of a probationary period.
For information about the School visit
Applications Close: 13 October 2008
Enquiries: Professor Diane Mayer, Head of School
Phone: +61 3 92446068 or within Australia (03) 92446068
Email: diane.mayer at deakin.edu.au 
For position descriptions, further details and to apply contact Monika
Loving - 03 52 272654 (+61 3 52 272654 from outside Australia)  or
email monika.loving at deakin.edu.au - or visit the University website:


Associate Professor Susie Groves
School of Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood 3125
+61 3 9244 6405 (phone)
+61 422 819 567 (mobile)
+61 3 9244 6752 (fax)
grovesac at deakin.edu.au

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