[Maths-Education] 3-year postdoctoral research position on STEM Education project available at Cambridge

Kenneth Ruthven kr18 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Aug 22 12:36:09 BST 2008

A 3-year postdoctoral research position on a STEM Education project is 
currently available at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. It 
provides an exceptional career-development opportunity for a researcher in 
mathematics education.

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position available for up 
to 38 months from 1 November 2008, starting date negotiable. The postholder 
will work on an ESRC-funded research project, 'Effecting Principled 
Improvement in STEM Education: Student Engagement and Learning in Early 
Secondary-School Physical Science and Mathematics', which forms part of the 
ESRC's Targeted Research Initiative on Science and Mathematics Education. 
Under the leadership of Profs. Kenneth Ruthven, Christine Howe, Neil Mercer 
and Dr. Keith Taber, and working with another Research Associate, the 
post-holder will join a research team collaborating with 20 teacher 
co-researchers to design and evaluate a theorised teaching intervention, 
using a variety of research methods. For this position, expertise in 
quantitative methods and statistical analysis is particularly important.

The position requires a PhD in Education, Psychology, or a cognate area, or 
equivalent research training, experience and achievement. Fuller details of 
post responsibilities and person specifications are provided in the further 
particulars. The successful candidate will be required to obtain a CRB 
enhanced disclosure.

Further details and application procedure are available at 
<www.educ.cam.ac.uk/about/jobs> or telephone +44 (0)1223 767600

Informal enquiries should be made to the Project Director (Prof. Kenneth 
Ruthven) on <kr18 at cam.ac.uk>.

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