[Maths-Education] Invitation to contribute to Social Justice special issue of PoME Journal

Paul Ernest P.Ernest at exeter.ac.uk
Sat Feb 3 11:32:40 GMT 2007

Dear Colleague

I am putting together a special issue of the Philosophy of Mathematics
Education Journal on issues related to social justice in mathematics
education, and I invite you to contribute. I also invite you to pass this
invitation on to your students, who may have something good to share.

Please note that this is a freely available refereed international journal
of some standing with ISSN no. 1465-2978 (Online)

Social justice has been a theme running through a number of contributions
in past issues. What I have in mind this time are broader contributions
that are not necessarily philosophical in themselves, but contribute to
ethical or social justice based awareness in mathematics education. This
includes anything pertaining to social justice in mathematics education,
including ecology/environmentalism, critical citizenship, world
citizenship, politics, globalisation as they relate to mathematics education

I also have in mind any reflections or reports of research on
race/multicultural/antiracist mathematics, and also gender, class, special
needs or disability and mathematics education. Let me repeat that: what is
sought is any research or theory based contributions on race, gender,
class, SEN, disability, or social justice in general and mathematics

For example, papers on the history of mathematics that relate it to
multicultural/antiracist mathematics would be welcome. I have a wonderful
MEd dissertation on teaching mathematics to a blind student that will be
included. It is not philosophical but is a case study relating to
disability and mathematics education. I mention this to indicate the
breadth of issues I am willing to include.

All the usual themes are welcome too!  If I get overwhelmed with good
material it may have to spill over into two issues. If it matters to you
that your contribution should be in an earlier volume - e.g., for RAE
considerations - please say so.

As well as seasoned researchers and experienced writers I welcome
appropriate assignments, dissertations and theses from students who are
often too modest to realize their material is of great interest and value
to others.

Submissions are accepted in any language but please include an English
abstract if not in English

As author you retain copyright of your paper, and I am happy to reprint
contributions previously published or presented elsewhere. You may
republish and use your own authored materials after inclusion PoMEj
without restriction.

Please send contributions in MS Word readable formats as attachments to
<p.ernest at ex.ac.uk>. To see previous issues of the journal please go to

Apologies if your receive multiple copies of this email

Best wishes

Professor Paul Ernest
Leader, Doctoral Programme in Maths Education
University of Exeter
School of Education and Lifelong Learning
Heavitree Road
Exeter  EX1 2LU, UK

Phone:    +44-1392-264871  (UK prefix 01392)
Messages: +44-1392-264972
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Email:    p.ernest at ex.ac.uk
Web:      http://www.people.ex.ac.uk/PErnest/

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