[Maths-Education] Ability grouping in mathematics

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Jun 7 10:18:20 BST 2005


For a number of reasons, I am interested in looking at the international situation with regard to ability grouping or tracking (the practice of placing pupils into teaching groups based upon some measure of ability) in mathematics.

I have a clear view of the situation on the UK, USA and Australia, but would welcome information form colleagues around the world on:

1. Is tracking/ability grouping the norm or is it practiced at all in mathematics is your country? (Is it a State/regional policy or practice?)

2. What is/are the justifications(s) for the system of allocation of pupils to teaching groups in your country?

3. How are pupils placed into teaching groups for mathematics? Do they move groups during the year? Between years?

4. What are the curriculum implications for placement in ability groups?

5. Are there any other implications?

6. Does the system that operates have broad support or is it contested?

If you could reply to ME not the list by providing answers to the above questions, I would be most grateful.

Peter Gates

Dr Peter Gates
Director of Research Students
School of Education
The University of Nottingham
Wollaton Road
Great Britain

1) peter.gates at nottingham.ac.uk (work)
2) peter.gates3 at btopenworld.com (personal)

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