[Maths-Education] FW: assistant professor positions in math, and learning in a social context

Dave Pratt dave.pratt at warwick.ac.uk
Mon Nov 22 09:30:36 GMT 2004

I have just received this message about what is likely to be a very
exciting opportunity at University of California, Berkeley.


-----Original Message-----
From: disessa at soe.berkeley.edu [mailto:disessa at soe.berkeley.edu] 
Sent: 21 November 2004 22:54

Subject: assistant professor positions in math, and learning in a social


Forgive the "mass mailing" and many of you may receive duplicates, 

The math, science and technology program of the Berkeley School of Ed.
is searching for two positions at the assistant professor level 
this year. One is
"cognitive science and learning in social contexts";
and the other is in
"mathematics education," (emphasis on secondary level)

More detailed announcements can be found at the following URLs. 
(Although it's early, we also hope to be searching for a technology 
position in the next year or so, so keep an eye on good, young tech 
folks, too.)



Let good candidates know of us (and vice versa).

Thanks for your attention.

--Andy diSessa

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