[Maths-Education] ICME11 in 2008
Derek Woodrow
Fri, 27 Feb 2004 10:24:55 -0000
As announced earlier, the Executive Committee of ICMI has received
during 2002 three declarations of intent to present a bid for hosting
ICME-11 in 2008, namely from China, Korea and Mexico. The SARS
problem in 2003 prevented our Chinese colleagues from completing the
preparation of their formal bid. Sites visits to Korea and Mexico by
a delegation of members of the Executive Committee of ICMI were
organised in 2003, which allowed the EC to appreciate the quality of
the local infrastructure, the support the project was receiving in
the country as well as the expertise of the organising team.
The ICMI Executive Committee is pleased to announce its decision of
accepting the invitation from Mexico. We hope the international
mathematical education community will enthusiastically receive the
invitation of our Mexican colleagues for 2008, so to make ICME-11 a
memorable event from Mexican, Latin American and international
perspectives. The precise dates and site of ICME-11 will be
announced soon.
The ICMI Executive Committee wishes to express its gratitude to the
mathematics education and mathematics communities in the three
countries, and especially the committee that prepared the Korean bid,
chaired by Professor Sung Je Cho, ICMI Representative from Korea and
President of Korean Sub-Commission for ICMI, and the committee that
prepared the Mexican bid, chaired by Professor Carlos Signoret,
President of the Mexican Mathematical Society. The EC was highly
impressed by the quality of the two dossiers they presented and hopes
that the enthusiasm of those who supported these bids will reflect
not only in ICME-11, but in future ICMEs as well.
Best wishes,
Bernard R. Hodgson
Secretary-General of ICMI -- Secrétaire général de la CIEM
(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction /
Commission internationale de l'enseignement mathématique)
Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université Laval Québec G1K 7P4 Canada
Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131, poste 2975
Télécopie : +1 418 656 2817
Courriel : bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca