[Maths-Education] Re:Publications in maths. ed.
leone burton
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 12:17:57 +0100
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Dear Friends: A number of people have asked me about how to get hold of
copies of the books in my series, International Perspectives on Mathematics
Education, at the moment published by Greenwood Press and its subsidiaries,
but forthcoming books to be published by Information Age Publishing
(publishers buyout, nothing to do with me!) I hope you don't mind me
taking up time on this network to respond. So far, there have been 3 books
1. Multiple Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, edited by
Jo Boaler, published by Ablex (Westport, Conn) in 2000 in both paperback
and hardback (ISBN 1-56750-534-1).
2. Researching Mathematics Classrooms, edited by Simon Goodchild and Lyn
English, published by Praeger (Westport, Conn) in 2002 in hardback (ISBN
3. Which Way Social Justice in Mathematics Education? edited by Leone
Burton, published by Praeger in 2003 in hardback (ISBN 1-56750-680-1).
I am hopeful that paperbacks of the latter two might be available in the
future. The website for Greenwood is www.greenwood.com and Praeger has its
own website at www.praeger.com You should be able to order through the
website, or through your local bookseller.
May I repeat an appeal, sent out much, much earlier, to anyone who is
thinking of producing a book that would fit into the series to communicate
with me about possible inclusion. Thank you. Best wishes, leone
Prof. Leone Burton
8 Grange Walk
London SE1 3DT
Tel: 44 (0)20 7394 2929
email: leone.burton@virgin.net
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