[Maths-Education] Kings' Maths Education Seminars

Mike Askew maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 18:07:44 +0000

Dear All

Please find below details of two forthcoming seminars to be held here=20
at Kings'. All are welcome, so please pass on details as you see fit.

Kings' Mathematics Education Seminar Series

Where: King's College, School of Education and Social Science,=20
=46ranklin Wilkins Building, Waterloo Road. (See www.kcl.ac.uk for site=20

When 10/02/03 and 10/03/03


17.00 Tea and Coffee

17.30 - 19.00 Seminar

19.00 Drinks


Monday 10 February

Professor Barbara Jaworski
H=F8gskolen i Agder (Agder University College)
Institutt for Matematiske Fag

Collaborative Research Engagement for Mathematics Teaching=20
Development:  A Framework
for Analysis and Design

Over many years I have become convinced that mathematics teachers'
engagement in classroom research or enquiry is one of the best ways of
developing thinking about mathematics teaching and ultimately developing
teaching itself.  I am interested particularly in collaborative
relationships between insider and outsider researchers and ways in which
these contribute to knowledge in teaching at theoretical and practical
levels.  I am developing a framework for analysing ways in which research
and collaboration contribute to development, both as a means of analysing
the contribution of research and collaboration and for designing future
projects.  I will outline this framework and the theoretical ideas behind
it, and just start to show how it might apply to real projects.  I invite
critical feedback.

Monday 10 March 2003

Dr Julia Anghileri
Homerton College, University of Cambridge

Disseminating research to teachers

Brief synopsis: Based on the premise that modern technology provides=20
a powerful medium for providing access to a substantial amount of=20
material in a flexible and autonomous way, ICT provides an ideal=20
opportunity for disseminating research to users in the classroom.=20
This seminar will outline the development and evaluation of a CD=20
intended for individuals and groups to use as a resource for=20
information in developing their practice.

The CD consists of video sequences showing reception age children=20
undertaking tasks relating to 3D shapes and some teacher=20
interventions where they found the tasks challenging. It also=20
includes animations to make some of the content more explicit.
Mike Askew, Reader in Mathematics Education
Associate Head of School of Social Science and Public Policy
Department of Education and Professional Studies
Waterloo Bridge Wing
=46ranklin-Wilkins Building
Waterloo Campus
King's College London
Waterloo Road
London SE1 9NN

Tel:	    +44 (0)20 7848 3178
=46ax:        +44 (0)20 7848 3182
e-mail:	    mike.askew@kcl.ac.uk
homepage:	http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/education/hpages/maskew.html

The entrance to the School of Education is on Waterloo Road.
A map of the locality is available at:

=46or more information about Education at King's see