[Maths-Education] TTA and Maths Enhancement Course

Pat Perks maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 09:38:12 +0100 [BST]

In September a number of maths educators, maths lecturers, advisers etc 
went to two TTA regional days to discuss potential maths enhancement 
courses, six months bursaried.  Many of us with 2 year courses pointed 
out that giving payment to some and not to others would undermine 
recruitment to existing courses.  The TTA is adamant there is a new pool 
of potential recruits.  At the AMET day on 5th October this was a major 
discussion point and a letter was sent to Ralph Tabberer with copies to 
ACME, JMC and the relevant politicians.  If anyone wants a copy I will 
send one.

There were nine discussion groups and RT writes:
=93the consensus, from all but one group, was that the proposed course 
merited further exploration.=94
Well, Stephanie Prestage, Dave Hewitt and I all think we were in that 
group  - and we were in different groups.  Only Dave=92s group refused to 
discuss changes to the proposal =96 so I think our politeness has allowed 
the reporting to be interpreted as above.

If you were at that meeting =96 and are willing to be named as thinking yo=
were in THE group, will you allow me to use your name in further letters 
and to the TES.

I know there are problems with under-recruitment and subject knowledge 
and and =85 but the solution is likely to make the problem worse.
