[Maths-Education] SASicily
Alan Rogerson
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 19:25:33 +0100
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An Invitation to join us in our Sicily conference! Why?
First Sicily itself - the Greek, Roman, Arab and Norman history, half way
between Africa and Italy - the natural beauty and spectacular coastline -
the wine and food and hospitable people - the unique combination of culture,
cuisine and climate.
Second - the chance to meet mathematics educators from all over the world
(24 countries in our last conference) working at the frontier of innovation
and new ideas in mathematics education.
Third - after Cairo-Egypt, Amman-Jordan, Zajaczkowo-Poland, and Palm
Cove-Australia, a conference dedicated to meeting together and working for
the betterment of mathematics education world-wide. The title of the
conference suggests our shared commitment to implementing a Humanistic
Renaissance in Mathematics Education. This simply means working with and for
our students and fellow-teachers!
Fourth - a chance to find out more and work with the international
SuperCourse Project which has writers and writing teams world-wide to
produce what we hope will be super materials for students and teachers of
mathematics, in English, Polish, Italian and German!
Fifth - to meet, talk, work, eat and drink with friends and colleagues from
around the world in a relaxing and beautiful hotel-resort environment, with
one of the most spectacular views in the world, in an ecologically friendly
environment close to nature and the sea! To enjoy a full-day Excursion to
Monreale and to the beautiful temples of Agrigento.
Sixth - to participate in a programme specially designed to be useful and
practical. In addition to many varied and interesting papers and three
Plenary addresses by prominent mathematics educators, there will be
Workshops, small and personal Working Groups, and a whole afternoon devoted
to a Creative Forum of Ideas.
Seven - to see and discuss the most recent technology useful in the teaching
of mathematics. Douglas Butler will present a highly informative and
entertaining Plenary Address and on display will be our two sponsors CASIO
graphic calculators and AUTOGRAPH software, as well as Greygum, Epsilon,
VSG, and other helpful technology for the teaching of mathematics.
We hope to see you in Sicily,
Professor Fayez Mina and Dr. Alan Rogerson
Please find attached the Second Announcement of our conference, below is a
summary of the key features added from the First Announcement:
The conference programme in outline is:
Friday Sep 20: Arrivals, Dinner and Welcome Reception
Saturday Sep 21: First Working Day. Afternoon Open Forum of Ideas
Sunday Sep 22: All-day Excursion to Monreale/Agrigento and lunch. Dinner in
Monday Sep 23: Second Working Day
Tuesday Sep 24: Third Working Day and Gala Dinner
Wednesday Sep 25: Fourth Working Day, morning only, lunch and farewells.
The Conference Working Sessions will be a combination of separate:
? Plenary Speeches
? Paper Presentations
? Working Group Meetings
? Workshops
? Open Forum of Ideas
? SuperCourse Meetings for General Information and for Writers
Open Forum of Ideas
In our revised programme structure the first afternoon of the conference
will be devoted to an open "Forum of Ideas" in which all participants are
invited to display their materials and software in all languages in a
continuous exhibition throughout the conference area. This was the theme for
our very successful first day of the 2001 Zajaczkowo meeting so we are
repeating the formula! If you would like to exhibit/display in the Open
Forum of Ideas PLEASE bring with you as much material and software as
possible of yours or others (preferably visual) and we will provide space
for it. Please bring your own PC if you wish to display software. Posters
are also welcome. The objective of the session is to provide a smorgasbord
of the best things available around the globe in an open continuous session
that allows all participants to circulate and visit and talk to the
presenters that most interest them.
The new International Innovative Project - SuperCourse - began work in 2001
and now has writing teams and writers throughout the world. Our First
International Conference for SuperCourse was held in June/July 2001 in
Zajaczkowo, Poland. Sicily 2002 will be the next opportunity for new
participants to find out all about this project and its future work.
SuperCourse writers attending will have an opportunity to meet, plan and
write in separate groups for English, Italian and possibly German versions.
Working Groups
Working Groups will be small and focussed on a specific Topic. To ensure
that this works well, in our revised programme structure all working group
sessions will be separate from the paper presentations, to the benefit of
both. This also means that we can have more working groups.
Invited Plenary Speakers
(1) Can Technology Save Classroom Mathematics?
Douglas Butler, Director, iCT Training Centre, Oundle School (Peterborough,
Mathematics as a school subject is in crisis. All over the world, the
shortage of mathematics
teachers worsens, and pupils are treating the subject with less and less
respect. Can technology
help to reverse this downward spiral? Can technology add a sparkle to the
mathematics classroom?
This presentation gives an emphatic yes, so long as governments do not think
for a moment that
technology can be used in any sense to replace teachers. Teachers are
essential to the process, to
lead and inspire the young. It is my view that the use of electronically
based lesson plans and
dynamic images as a routine part of delivery can make the subject more fun
to learn, and more fun
to teach. It is a long hope, but if the subject is made more visual, more
exciting and the learning
process made more effective in this way, the devastating processes described
above could yet be
After graduating in Mathematics and Electrical Sciences at Cambridge
University, followed by a
spell with EMI Records, Douglas has specialised in secondary Mathematics. He
has served as
Head of Mathematics and then Head of Careers Education at Oundle School
(Peterborough UK),
and was Chairman of the MEI Schools project, a leading UK curriculum
development project, for 6 years. A keen pianist and dinghy sailor, he is
also the principal author of Autograph (PC version July 2000), and author of
"Using the Internet - Mathematics" (revised July 2000). He now combines
teaching with directing the new iCT Training Centre based at Oundle School.
This centre is creating new resources for the educational use of computers
in mathematics, and runs the TSM (Technology in Secondary and College
Mathematics) teacher training events all over the UK and overseas. He has
recently launched a new series of conferences on Technology for Teaching
Music, and for Science.
(2) Mathematics and its links with its History
Aldo Brigaglia - Professor in Complementary Mathematics, University of
His interests have been in the history of mathematics with particular
reference to Geometry.Also is a member of CIIM (The Italian Committee for
the Teaching of Mathematics), a section of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana)
and is a founding member of the Journal "Lettera Pristem" (Bocconi
University of Milano), dedicated to the dissemination of mathematical
culture.He has interests also in the History of Science with reference to
the local history of Sicily and Palermo (History of the Mathematical Circle
of Palermo). He also works on problems regarding the teaching of
(3) Mathematics teachers and students: how to improve the human side of
their relationship?
Angela Pesci
Angela has her degree in Mathematics. She is Associate Professor of
Didactics of Mathematics in the Mathematics degree course at the University
of Pavia. Beyond that, she teaches at the "Scuola Interuniversitaria
Lombarda" for Secondary School teachers. Her research has always focused on
specific themes in mathematics education both at the middle and upper
secondary school levels and has always been developed in strict contact with
the current scholastic reality by means of continuous collaboration with
teachers in the field.
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\adjustright \shading2000 \fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs48 Second =
\par }\pard\plain \qc\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid =
{\b\fs36 The Mathematics Education into the 21}{\b\fs36\super =
st}{\b\fs36 Century Project,\line }{\fs24 in cooperation with}{\b\fs28=20
\par Facolt\'e0 di Scienze della Formazione dell'Universit\'e0 di =
\par Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universit\'e0 di Palermo,
\par IRRSAE- Sicilia,
\par G.R.I.M. (Gruppo di Ricerca Insegnamento Matematica)
\par The Third World Forum,
\par The Hong Kong Institute of Education=20
\par The Virtual School for the Gifted
\par & SNM (Poland)
\par }{\fs24 announce an\line }{\b\fs36 International Conference on=20
\par }{\b\i\f16\fs44 The Humanistic Renaissance in Mathematics =
\par }{\fs36 September 20-25, 2002
\par }{\fs28 Hotel Citt\'e0 del Mare, Terrasini, Palermo, Italy =
(}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs28 HYPERLINK =
00000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs28\ul\cf2 www.cittadelmare.it}}}{\fs28 =
\par }{\b\f1\fs22 Major Sponsors=20
\par }{\b\f1\fs28 CASIO & AUTOGRAPH
\par }{\b\fs24=20
\par }\pard \sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\f16\fs22 You are =
invited to attend a very special conference on the shores of the =
Mediterrean sea on the historic and beautiful island of =
\par }\pard \qj\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 The time and =
place were deliberately chosen to encourage teachers and mathematics =
educators from around the world to communicate with each other about the =
challenges and opportunities offered by }{
\b\f16\fs24 The Humanistic Renaissance in Mathematics Education}{\fs24=20
. Planning is already well under way for this conference, which follows =
our first three very successful Project Conferences next to the pyramids =
in Cairo, Egypt in 1999, in the historic splendour of the Holy Land in =
Amman, Jordan in
2000 and where the Great Barrier Reef meets the rainforest in Australia =
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 Our fourth Project =
Conference in Sicily, Italy will have Dr. Filippo Spagnolo of the =
University of Palermo as local organiser along with the local support of =
the Facolt\'e0 di Scienze della Formazione dell'Universit
\'e0 di Palermo, the Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universit\'e0 di =
Palermo, IRRSAE- Sicilia, and G.R.I.M. (Gruppo di Ricerca Insegnamento =
Matematica) at the University of Palermo.
\par }\pard \qj\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 The Conference =
will be supported internatio
nally by the The Hong Kong Institute of Education, the Virtual School =
for the Gifted, SNM (Poland) and by the Third World Forum which is =
Chaired by Prof. Ismail-Sabri Abdalla - Coordinator of }{\i\fs24 Project =
Egypt 2020}{\fs24=20
and former Director of The Institute of National Planning and Minister =
of Planning (Egypt).}{\b\f78\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\qj\ri-18\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\fs24 The Sicily 2002 Conference is organised by =
the Mathematics Education into the 21}{\fs24\super st}{\fs24=20
Century Project - an international educational initiative whose =
coordinators are Dr. Alan Rogerson (Australia/Poland) and Professor =
Fayez Mina (Egypt). Since its inception in 1986, the Mathematics =
Education into the 21}{\fs24\super st}{\fs24=20
Century Project has received support and funding from many educational =
bodies and institutions throughout the world. In 1992 UNESCO}{\fs24\cf1 =
published}{\fs24 our Project Handbook "}{\i\fs24 Moving Into the 21st =
" as Volume 8 in the UNESCO series }{\i\fs24 Studies In Mathematics =
\par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24 =
The Mathematics Education into the 21}{\fs24\super st}{\fs24 Century =
Project is dedicated to the improvement of mathematics education =
world-wide through the publication and diss
emination of innovative ideas. Many prominent mathematics educators have =
supported and contributed to the project, including the late Hans =
Freudental, Andrejs Dunkels and Hilary Shuard, Bruce Meserve and Marilyn =
Suydam, Alan Osborne and Margaret Kasten, M
ogens Niss, Tibor Nemetz, Brian Wilson, Tatsuro Miwa, Henry Pollack, =
Werner Blum, Roberto Baldino, Waclaw Zawadowski, and many others =
throughout the world.=20
\par \line }{\fs22 Information on our project and its future work can be =
found on the following webpages.=20
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\fs22 Filippo Spagnolo, Palermo, is =
webmaster for the sites:\line }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 =
HYPERLINK "http://math.unipa.it/~grim/21project.htm"}{{\*\datafield=20
0000000000002d000000000000000000000030000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt =
http://math.unipa.it/~grim/21project.htm}}}{\fs22 Our Project Home =
Page\line }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 HYPERLINK =
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 =
}}{\fs22 Egypt Conference site\line }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 =
HYPERLINK "http://math.unipa.it/~grim/jourdain"}{{\*\datafield=20
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 =
}}{\fs22 Jordan conference site\line }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst =
{\fs22 HYPERLINK "http://math.unipa.it/~grim/cairms"}{{\*\datafield=20
00000000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 =
Australia conference site\line }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 =
HYPERLINK "http://math.unipa.it/~grim/palermo2002"}{{\*\datafield=20
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt =
http://math.unipa.it/~grim/palermo2002}}}{\fs22 Sicily Conference =
site\line Krys Bestry, ODN, Poznan, Poland is webmaster for our Polish =
Superkurs Home Page and Zajaczkowo Planning Meeting webpage (in Polish - =
but with pictures!): }
{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 HYPERLINK =
0000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 =
http://superkurs.republika.pl/}}}{\fs22 \line=20
There is also information at: }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 =
HYPERLINK "http://www.vsg.edu.au/egypt99/"}{{\*\datafield=20
0000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 =
http://www.vsg.edu.au/egypt99/}}}{\fs22 and }
{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs22 HYPERLINK =
http://www.cdnalma.poznan.pl }{{\*\datafield=20
rslt {\cs49\fs22\ul\cf2 www.cdnalma.poznan.pl}}}{\fs22=20
\par }{\fs16=20
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 The Mathematics Education =
into the 21}{\fs24\super st}{\fs24 Century Project has the following =
National Representatives: }{\b\fs22 Associate Professor Madiha Mohamed =
Abd El- Rahman }{\fs22 Egypt, }{\b\fs22=20
Dr. Reda Abu-Elwan }{\fs22 Oman, }{\b\fs22 Associate Professor Noor =
Azlan Ahmad Zanzali}{\fs22 Malaysia, }{\b\fs22 Professor Angel =
Balderas}{\fs22 Mexico,=20
\par }{\b\fs22 Dr. Ren\'e9 Berthelot }{\fs22 France, }{\b\fs22 Dr. =
Cinzia Bonotto}{\fs22 Italy, }{\b\fs22 Gail Burrill }{\fs22 USA, =
}{\b\fs22 Professor Indira Chacko}{\fs22 Zimbawe, }{\b\fs22 Prof =
Dr.Erik De Corte}{\fs22 Belgium, }{\b\fs22=20
Prof. Dr. Franco Favilli }{\fs22 Italy, }{\b\fs22 Professor Gunnar =
Gjone}{\fs22 Norway, }{\b\fs22 Professor Doctor Gunter Graumann}{\fs22 =
Germany, }{\b\fs22 Pam Hagen}{\fs22 Canada, }{\b\fs22 Professor =
George Malaty}{\fs22 Finland, }{\b\fs22=20
Prof Dr. Ivan Meznik}{\fs22 Czech Republic, }{\b\fs22 Willy =
Mwakapenda}{\fs22 Malawi, }{\b\fs22 Dr. Maria Luisa Oliveras}{\fs22 =
Spain, }{\b\fs22 Chris Ormell}{\fs22 UK, }{\b\fs22 Assoc Prof Lionel =
Pereira-Mendoza }{\fs22 Singapore, }{\b\fs22=20
Dr. Medhat Rahim }{\fs22 Canada, }{\b\fs22 Dr. Fatimah Saleh }{\fs22 =
Malaysia, }{\b\fs22 Dr. Maher Y. Shawer }{\fs22 USA, }{\b\fs22 Dr Tony =
Sofo }{\fs22 Australia, }{\b\fs22 Dr. Filippo Spagnolo}{\fs22 Italy, =
}{\b\fs22 Teresa Vergani }{\fs22=20
Portugal, }{\b\fs22 Professor Derrick Young}{\fs22 South Africa, =
}{\b\fs22 Professor Wacek Zawadowski}{\fs22 Poland
\par }\pard\plain \s15\qj\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\fs16=20
\par }\pard \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs32\lang1040 =
Conference Committee Structure
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs28\lang1040 =
International Program Committee
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\b\fs22 =
Chairman}{\fs22 Dr. Alan Rogerson, International Coordinator of the =
Mathematics in Society Project (Poland).
\par Prof Khaled Abuloum, University of Jordan (Jordan).
\par Professor Roberto Baldino, UNESP (Brazil).
\par Dr. Andy Begg , Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education, =
University of Waikato (New Zealand).
\par Dr. Donna F. Berlin, Mathematics, Science, and Technology =
Education, The Ohio State University (USA)
\par Prof. Dr. Werner Blum, University of Kassel (Germany).
\par Professor Ubiratan D'Ambrosio, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, =
State University of Campinas/UNICAMP, (Brazil).
\par Professor Bruno D'Amore, University of Bolgna (Italy).
\par Prof Dr William Ebeid, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Education, =
Ain Shams University (Egypt).
\par Prof. Omar Hassan El Sheikh, University of Jordan (Jordan).
\par Professor Paul Ernest, Professor of the Philosophy of Mathematics =
Education, University of Exeter (UK).
\par Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser, Hamburg University (Germany).}{\b\fs22=20
\par }{\fs22 Dr. Madeleine J. Long, Program Director, American =
Association for the Advancement of Science (USA).
\par Prof Dr Fayez Mina, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction, Faculty of =
Education, Ain Shams University (Egypt).
\par Prof Nicolina Malara, University of Modena (Italy)
\par Prof Dr M. Ali M. Nassar, Director of Planning Center, Institute of =
National Planning (Egypt).
\par Professor Lionel Pereira Mendoza, Associate Professor, Division of =
Mathematics, National Institute of Education (Singapore).=20
\par Professor Angela Pesci, University of Pavia (Italy)
\par Prof. Medhat Rahim, Lakehead University, Faculty of Education =
\par Professor Filippo Spagnolo, University of Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
\par Professor Dr. Alicia Villar Icasuriaga, Instituto de Profesores =
"Artigas" (IPA), Montevideo, (Uruguay)
\par Dr. Arthur L. White, Mathematics, Science, and Technology =
Education, The Ohio State University ( USA)
\par Professor. Wacek Zawadowski, Warsaw University (Poland).=20
\par }{
\par }{\b\fs28 Local Organizing Committee=20
\par }{\cs29\b\fs22 Chairman}{\cs29\fs22 }{\fs22 Dr. Filippo Spagnolo, =
University of Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
\par Prof.ssa Rosa Maria Sperandeo, Direttore della S.I.S.S.I.S. (Scuola =
Interuniversitaria Siciliana per la Specializzazione e l'Insegnamento =
\par Prof.ssa Patrizia Lendinara, Preside della Facolt\'e0 di Scienze =
della Formazione Universit\'e0 di Palermo=20
\par Prof. Aurelio Rigoli, Presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea =
in Scienze della Formazione Primaria Universit\'e0 di Palermo=20
\par Prof. Pasquale Vetro, Direttore del Dipartimento di Matematica e =
Applicazioni dell'Universit\'e0 di Palermo.=20
\par Prof. Pietro Nastasi, Dipartimento di Matematica Universit\'e0 di =
\par Prof. Aldo Brigaglia, Dipartimento di Matematica Universit\'e0 di =
\par Prof.ssa Grazia Indovina, Dipartimento di Matematica Universit\'e0 =
di Palermo=20
\par Prof.ssa Teresa Marino, Dipartimento di Matematica Universit\'e0 di =
\par Prof.ssa Maria Vittoria Di Leonardo, Dipartimento di Matematica =
Universit\'e0 di Palermo=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs32 Conference Organisation
\par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid =
{\b\fs24 The conference programme in outline is:
\par }\pard \qj\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24 Friday Sep 20: =
Arrivals, Dinner and Welcome Reception
\par Saturday Sep 21: First Working Day. Afternoon Open Forum of Ideas
\par Sunday Sep 22: All-day Excusrsion to Monreale/Agrigento and lunch. =
Dinner in Hotel.
\par Mnday Sep 23: Second Working Day
\par Tuesday Sep 24: Third Working Day and Gala Dinner
\par Wednesday Sep 25: Fourth Working Day, morning only, lunch and =
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
\par The Conference Working Sessions will be a combination of separate:
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24 Plenary Speechs
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24 Paper Presentations
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24 Working Group Meetings
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24 Workshops
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24 Open Forum of Ideas
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \qj\fi-360\li720\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls31\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls31\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
SuperCourse Meetings for General Information and for Writers
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs28=20
\par SuperCourse
\par }{\b\fs24 The new International Innovative Project - SuperCourse - =
began work in 2001 and now has
writing teams and writers throughout the world. Our First International =
Conference for SuperCourse was held in June/July 2001 in Zajaczkowo, =
Poland. Sicily 2002 will be the next opportunity for new participants to =
find out all about this project and its=20
future work. SuperCourse writers attending will have an opportunity to =
meet, plan and write in separate groups for English, Italian, Arabic and =
possibly German versions.
\par }{\b\fs28 Invited Plenary Speakers
\par }{\cs52\b\fs28 Can Technology Save Classroom Mathematics?}{\fs28=20
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\cs52\b\fs24 Douglas Butler, =
Director, iCT Training Centre, Oundle School (Peterborough, UK)}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 Mathematics as a school subject is in crisis. All =
over the world, the shortage of mathematics}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 teachers worsens, and pupils are treating the =
subject with less and less respect. Can technology}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 help to reverse this downward spiral? Can technology =
add a sparkle to the mathematics classroom?}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 This presentation gives an emphatic yes, so long as =
governments do not think for a moment that}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 technology can be used in any sense to replace =
teachers. Teachers are essential to the process, to}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 lead and inspire the young. It is my view that the =
use of electronically based lesson plans and}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 dynamic images as a routine part of delivery can =
make the subject more fun to learn, and more fun}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 to teach. It is a long hope, but if the subject is =
made more visual, more exciting and the learning}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 process made more effective in this way, the =
devastating processes described above could yet be}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\cs55\i\fs24 reversed.}{\fs24 =20
\par After graduating in Mathematics and Electrical Sciences at =
Cambridge University, followed by a=20
\par spell with EMI Records, Douglas has specialised in secondary =
Mathematics. He has served as=20
\par Head of Mathematics and then Head of Careers Education at Oundle =
School (Peterborough UK),=20
\par and was Chairman of the MEI Schools project, a leading UK =
curriculum development project, for 6=20
\par years. A keen pianist and dinghy sailor, he is also the principal =
author of Autograph (PC version July=20
\par 2000), and author of "Using the Internet - Mathematics" (revised =
July 2000). He now combines teachi
ng with directing the new iCT Training Centre based at Oundle School. =
This centre is creating new resources for the educational use of =
computers in mathematics, and runs the TSM (Technology in=20
\par Secondary and College Mathematics) teacher training events all over =
the UK and overseas. He has=20
\par recently launched a new series of conferences on Technology for =
Teaching Music, and for Science. }{\b\fs24=20
\par Mathematics and its links with its History
\par Aldo Brigaglia - Professor in Complementary Mathematics, University =
of Palermo.}{\fs24=20
\par His interests have been in the history of mathematics with =
particular reference to Geometry.Also is a member of CIIM (The Italian =
Committee for the Teaching of Mathematics), a section of UMI (Unione =
Matematica Italiana) and is a founding member of the Jou
rnal "Lettera Pristem" (Bocconi University of Milano), dedicated to the =
dissemination of mathematical culture.He has interests also in the =
History of Science with reference to the local history of Sicily and =
Palermo (History of the Mathematical Circle of=20
Palermo). He also works on problems regarding the teaching of =
\par }{\b\fs24=20
\par Mathematics teachers and students: how to improve the human side of =
their relationship?
\par Angela Pesci=20
\par }{\fs24 Angela has her degree in Mathematics. She is Associate =
Professor of Didactics of Mathematics in the Mathematics degree course =
at the University of Pavia. Beyond that, she teaches at the \ldblquote =
Scuola Interuniversitaria Lombarda\rdblquote=20
for Secondary School teachers. }{\fs24\lang2057 Her research has always =
focused on specific themes in mathematics education bo
th at the middle and upper secondary school levels and has always been =
developed in strict contact with the current scholastic reality by means =
of continuous collaboration with teachers in the field.
\par }{\b\fs28=20
\par Working Groups
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 Working Groups will be =
small and focussed on a specific Topic. }{\b\fs24=20
To ensure that this works well, in our revised programme structure all =
working group sessions will be separate from the paper presentations, to =
the benefit of both.}{\fs24 This also means that we can have }{\b\fs24 =
working groups, according to t
he preferences of those attending. Please examine carefully the list of =
Working Groups below already confirmed and decide which would interest =
you most. The Working Group Leader will circulate beforehand a Position =
Paper to summarise the present state of=20
he art in that Topic and to guide and stimulate the constructive =
discussions. It is also expected after the conference that each Working =
Group will produce a summary paper which will be circulated before our =
next Project Conference in Mexico, 2003 to cont
inue progress in each Working Group..
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24 Working Groups and Leaders already confirmed:
\par Erik De Corte}{\fs24 "Powerful learning environments for =
mathematics problem solving".=20
\par }{\b\fs24 Gail Burrill, Maher Shawer & Silio Rigatti }{\fs24 =
"Statistics and Probability"
\par }{\b\fs24 Gary Flewelling, Nick Jackiw Nathalie Sinclair}{\fs24 =
"Rich Learning Tasks"
\par }{\b\fs24 Medhat Rahim}{\fs24 " Technology in the classroom"
\par }{\b\fs24 Gila Hanna, Liv Sissel Groenmo}{\fs24 (Sally Lipsey?) =
\par }{\b\fs24 Gunter Graumann }{\fs24 "General Aims of Mathematics =
\par }{\b\fs24 Ivan Meznik}{\fs24 "Applications"
\par }{\b\fs24 Teresa Vergani & Franco Favilli }{\fs24 =
\par }{\b\fs24 George Malaty
\par Angela Pesci "}{\fs24 Classroom focussed research, how do kids =
\par }{\b\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs28 Workshops
\par }{\fs24 We are planning to hold as many }{\b\fs24 hands-on =
workshops }{\fs24 as possible. Please let us know if you would like to =
hold a workshop, what topic you wi
ll present, and how this will fit into the conference theme. Please let =
us know ASAP as the number of workshops will be limited.=20
\par }{\b\fs24 In our revised programme structure the first afternoon of =
the conference will be devoted to an open "Forum of Ideas" in which=20
all participants are invited to display their materials and software in =
all languages in a continuous exhibition throughout the conference area. =
This was the theme for our very successful first day of the 2001 =
Zajaczkowo meeting so we are repeating the fo
mula! If you would like to exhibit/display in the Open Forum of Ideas =
PLEASE bring with you as much material and software as possible of yours =
or others (preferably visual) and we will provide space for it. Please =
bring your own PC if you wish to display=20
oftware. Posters are also welcome. The objective of the session is to =
provide a smorgersboard of the best things available around the globe in =
an open continuous session that allows all participants to circulate and =
visit and talk to the presenters that m
ost interest them.
\par }\pard\plain =
\s1\qj\sb60\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright =
\b\fs28\lang1040\cgrid {Call for Papers
\par }\pard\plain \qj\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24=20
We welcome papers that deal with ALL aspects of mathematics, statistics =
and computer education and relate to innovative ways to help students =
and teachers deal with the problem of making mathematics more "alive", =
more "rea
listic" and more "accessible". This could take the form of a paper on
\par }\pard \li1440\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs22 -problem solving
\par -use of technology
\par -new ways of assessment
\par -ways of dealing with cultural differences
\par -overcoming gender and social barriers
\par -improving the curriculum
\par -using the statistics of everyday life
\par -effectively utilizing new paradigms in teaching and learning
\par -applications of mathematics and modelling in the real world
\par -and so on\'85
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 Those wishing to present a =
paper should send an abstract }{\b\fs24 ASAP}{\fs24 indicating what =
area of mathematics e
ducation their topic falls under and in what specific way their paper =
will relate to the theme of the conference. The official language of the =
conference (and of the proceedings) will be English.=20
\par }\pard \sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 Deadlines for submitted papers:}{\fs28=20
\par }\pard\plain \s35\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs24 April 30th}{\fs24 , }{\b\fs24 2002}{\fs24 =
for abstracts and }{\b\fs24 June 15th}{\fs24 , }{\b\fs24 2002}{\fs24=20
for complete papers. Please note that papers can only be included in =
the final program and printed in the Proceedings if received from =
participants who have }{\b\fs24 already registered}{\fs24 for the =
conference }{\b\fs24=20
and have paid the registration fee}{\fs24 . \line }{\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 Format for submitted papers=20
\par }{\fs24 Both the abstract and paper must be }{\b\fs24 Microsoft =
Word Documents}{\fs24 sent }{\b\fs24 preferably}{\fs24 by }{\b\fs24 =
email attachment}{\fs24 , OR on an }{\b\fs24 IBM PC formatted =
disk}{\fs24 by airmail to: }{\b\fs24 Dr. Alan Rogerson,}{
\fs24 }{\cs52\b\fs24\cf1 ul LISTOPADOWA 1/45, 60-153 POZNAN, =
Poland}{\fs24 . }{\b\fs24 =20
\par }{\fs24 Abstracts and papers should be }{\b\fs24 single =
spaced,}{\fs24 }{\b\fs24 Times New Roman font, }{\fs24 size}{\b\fs24 =
12. }{\fs24 Abstracts should be 10-15 lines and papers should be =
generally }{\b\fs24 NOT longer than 6 pages}{\fs24 . Please }{
\b\fs24 do not use}{\fs24 other fonts or formatting, ALL non-text items =
in the paper (diagrams, graphs, etc) }{\b\fs24 MUST}{\fs24 b
e included in the body of the text in the appropriate places. PLEASE =
check that your paper prints out correctly using Microsoft Word (we have =
had problems with this in the past).
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\b\fs16=20
\par }{\b\fs28 Displays & Exhibition
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 There will be a resouces =
display and commercial exhibition throughout the conference. Please get =
in touch immediately if you wish to display educational or commercial =
materials, as space is limited. Spon
sors include:
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24 Casio
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24 Autograph,
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24 Design Science Inc
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24 Greygum Software,
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
The Virtual School for the Gifted,
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
The Hong Kong Institute of Education,
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\f3\lang1040\cgrid \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 =
\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li1080\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080{\*\pn =
\pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls32\pnrnot0\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb =
\'b7}}\ls32\adjustright {\b\fs24 SNM.\line=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 Registration}{\fs28=20
\par }{\b\fs24 The registration and participation fee}{\fs24 will cover =
}{\b\fs24 ALL}{\fs24 lunches and dinners, coffee breaks, conference =
documents, welcome opening reception, all day excursion and a Special =
Gala Dinner, as well as free transportation }{
\b\fs24 on arrival only}{\fs24 from }{\b\fs24 Palermo International =
Airport}{\fs24 to the }{\b\fs24 Hotel Citt\'e0 del Mare}{\fs24 =
}{\b\fs24 BUT (please note) NOT}{\fs24 }{\b\fs24 back to the airport =
after the conference}{\fs24=20
(participants should make arrangements for their departure directly =
with the hotel).=20
\par The }{\b\fs24 Conference Excursion}{\fs24 will be to the }{\b\fs24 =
Monreale}{\fs24 and }{\b\fs24 Agrigento}{\fs24 with guide and =
restaurant lunch on Sunday, Sep 22nd while the }{\b\fs24 Gala =
Dinner}{\fs24 will be on Tuesday evening of }{
\fs24\lang1045 Sep 24th}{\fs24 .
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs28 =
Early-bird Registration (until Mar 15th, 2002): }{\b\fs28 $350US\line =
}{\fs28 From Mar 15th 2002: }{\b\fs28 $375US\line }{\fs28 Late =
Registration (after Aug 1}{\fs28\super st}{\fs28 ):}
{\b\fs28 $400US}{\fs28\cf6 \line }{\fs24 The Accompanying Person fee =
is }{\b\fs28 $275US}{\b\fs24 (}{\fs24 This includes the welcome =
opening reception, }{\b\fs24 all lunches and dinners}{\fs24 ,=20
gala dinner, the conference excursion, and other excursions and visits =
to be announced later. Please also note the reduced rate for double, =
triple rooms below.)
\par }{\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 Accommodation and Travel}{\fs28=20
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24 The =
conference will be held at the }{\b\fs24 Hotel Citt\'e0 del Mare}{\fs24 =
, a secluded venue near to Palermo and }{\b\fs24 Palermo Airport}{\fs24 =
. The conference starts on }{\b\fs24=20
Friday, September 20}{\b\fs24\super th}{\fs24 with arrivals after 2pm, =
conference registration after 4pm and an evening Welcome Opening =
Reception (no formal work sessions until Saturday, September 21st). The =
conference will finish on }{\b\fs24=20
Wednesday, September 25}{\b\fs24\super th}{\fs24 with a late morning =
Farewell Session and lunch.
\par All participants }{\b\fs24 MUST}{\fs24 make }{\b\fs24 ALL}{\fs24 =
their reservations and accommodation bookings }{\b\fs24 ONLY }{\fs24 on =
the registration form below }{\b\fs24 AND NOT DIRECTLY WITH THE HOTEL =
because the co
nference booking is through an agency NOT the hotel itself}{\fs24=20
. You should settle your accommodation costs with the agency on =
departure. A local representative of the agency will be available =
throughout the conference to help with all local arrangements.
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs24 Special price per ROOM per night ONLY for =
full participants and accompanying persons during the conference period =
(five nights 20-24 September) including breakfast:
\par Triple Room share 70 Euro PER PERSON per night.
\par Twin Share Room 75 Euro PER PERSON per night.
\par Single Room 85 Euro per person per night.
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\s15 \b\lang3081\cgrid =
\hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 1.\tab}}\pard =
\s15\fi-360\li360\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx360{\*\pn =
\pnlvlbody\ilvl0\ls30\pnrnot0\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxta =
.}}\ls30\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
conference th
e room rates are 101 Euro (Single) and 92 Euro per person (Double) and =
90 Euro (Triple).
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\s15 \b\lang3081\cgrid =
\hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 2.\tab}}\pard =
\s15\fi-360\li360\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx360{\*\pn =
\pnlvlbody\ilvl0\ls30\pnrnot0\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxta =
.}}\ls30\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 Participants =
travelling alone who wish to twin or triple-share a
room with other participants should request this in the form below. =
While we will do our best to meet all such requests, this cannot be =
guaranteed if the rooms are not available and }{\b\fs24 single rate may =
. Please note that all reservations and room request
s will be handled on a first-come first-served basis. All accommodation =
requests will be acknowledged within a week and confirmed ASAP. We =
reserve the right to accommodate participants in other nearby hotels (at =
the same rate) in the unlikely event that t
he }{\b\fs24 Hotel Citt\'e0 del Mare}{\fs24 rooms are all full.
\par }{\b\fs28 Travel to and from Palermo
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24 The =
Hotel is }{\b\fs24 10km}{\fs24 from Palermo International Airport and =
}{\b\fs24 35km}{\fs24 from Palermo City. All participants }{\b\fs24 who =
have registered}{\fs24=20
and are arriving for the Conference will be met at }{\fs24\cgrid0 the =
Airport,}{\fs24 and transported directly to the Hotel, but this =
is}{\b\fs24 only on the condition }{\fs24 that you let us know details =
of your}{\b\fs24=20
confirmed arrival flight at least }{\fs24 a week beforehand}{\b\fs24 .
\par }{\b\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 Pre- and Post-Conference Tours}{\fs28=20
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24 =
Please recall that all participants and accompnaying persons are already =
reserved on the conference excursion to }{\b\fs24 Monreale}{\fs24 and =
}{\b\fs24 Agrigento}{\fs24=20
with a guide and restaurant lunch. There are many other options for =
pre- and post-conference tours to see the beauty and historic splendour =
of Sicily.
\par }{\fs16=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs28 General Information
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright {\b\fs24 Visas =
}{\fs24 may be required for entry to Italy and the EEC, please }{\b\fs24 =
consult in good time}{\fs24=20
your Travel Agent and/or your local Consulate or Embassy to check the =
entry requirements in your case.}{\fs24\cf6=20
\par }{\b\fs24 Health & Personal Insurance}{\fs24 Neither the =
conference nor the}{\b\fs24 }{\fs24 Hotel are responsible for
health or personal insurance. We strongly advise all participants to =
ensure that they have arranged adequate personal travel and health =
insurance while abroad. Your travel agent will be able to advise you.
\par }{\b\fs24 Climate and Clothing: }{\fs24 September means that the =
daily temperature range is an }{\b\fs24 ideal 20-26C}{\fs24 . You may =
need a light sweater for air conditioned rooms and early morning and =
late night walks.=20
\par }{\b\fs24 Electricity }{\fs24 240 volts AC. Please ensure you =
have a }{\b\fs24 correct adapter}{\fs24 for use in Italy.
\par }\pard\plain \nowidctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\b\fs24 =
Banking and Currency: }{\fs24 Money may be exchanged at the airport, in =
hotels and in banks, PLEASE NOTE the currency in Italy will be the =
}{\b\fs24 EURO}{\fs24\cgrid0 . }{\fs24=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\fs24=20
\par }\pard \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright {\b\fs32 Full =
Conference Registration Form - Sicily September 20-25, 2002 \line }{
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 =
\ilvl12\adjustright {\fs24 Use }{\b\fs24 email Reply}{\fs24 to send or =
attach the completed form below to }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\fs24 =
HYPERLINK mailto:arogerson@vsg.edu.au }{{\*\datafield=20
{\cs49\fs24\ul\cf2 arogerson@vsg.edu.au}}}{\fs24 OR send by }{\b\fs24 =
registered airmail}{\fs24 to: }{
\b\fs24 Dr. A. Rogerson,}{\fs24 }{\cs52\b\fs24\cf1 ul LISTOPADOWA 1/45, =
60-153 POZNAN, Poland}{\fs24 , }{\b\fs24 ONLY}{\fs24 }{\b\fs24 if email =
is not available}{\fs24=20
. All emails will be acknowledged, please re-send if you do not hear =
from us after a week.
\par Phone number in Poland for urgent or emergency messages }{\b\fs24 =
ONLY }{\fs24 is:=20
\par }{\b\fs24 (international code) }{\cs52\b\fs24\cf1 =
+48-61-6620528}{\fs24 and if that does not respond, also try }{\b\fs24 =
+48-604426763}{\fs24 =20
\par }\pard \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright {\b\fs24 =
}{\b\fs24\ul ALL}{\b\fs24 SECTIONS
\par for }{\b\fs24\ul registration}{\b\fs24 , reserving }{\b\fs24\ul =
accommodation}{\b\fs24 and presenting }{\b\fs24\ul papers}{\b\fs24 =
\par }\pard \s15\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 First Name:
\par Family Name:
\par Male/Female:
\par Title:
\par Affiliation/Organisation/Institution:=20
\par Full postal address (including country and zip code):
\par e-mail:=20
\par Phone:
\par Fax:
\par Name(s) of accompanying person(s):
\par I would like to present a paper in sub theme ( ) with the =
\par =
\par I am travelling alone and would like to have a }{\b\fs24 twin =
share}{\fs24 room with another participant }{\b\fs24 Yes/No
\par }{\fs24=20
\par OR I would like to share a room with (name) =
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid =
\par }{\fs24 Arrival Date=20
\par Departure Date=20
\par Total Number of nights required\tab=20
\par Flight Arrival Details:\tab Date\tab Flight \tab =
Arrival Time\tab=20
\par }{\f1\fs24=20
\par }\pard\plain \s15\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang3081\cgrid =
{\b\fs24 Full Names }{\fs24 of }{\b\fs24 all}{\fs24 accompanying =
persons resident in the hotel are as follows}{\b\fs24 :=20
\par }\pard \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs28 Payment =
\par }\pard \s15\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 I wish to register for the =
conference at the appropriate Registration Fee =
\'85\'85\'85\'85\'85\'85}{\b\fs24 US$}{\fs24 }{\b\fs24 (1)}{\fs24 =20
\par I wish to register \'85\'85\'85 accompanying persons for a total =
cost of \'85\'85\'85\'85\'85\'85\'85\'85}{\b\fs24 US$}{\fs24 ..}{\b\fs24 =
(2)}{\fs24 =20
\par }{\b\fs24 TOTAL COST (add up (1), (2) above) =
\par An }{\b\fs24 electronic transfer/bank draft/money order}{\fs24 =
(circle one) for the above amount was sent on (date)=20
\par \'85\'85\'85\'85...\'85.. drawing on }{\b\fs24 MY}{\fs24 account =
number \'85\'85\'85\'85\'85.........................\'85\'85\'85. in =
the name of=20
\par =
...............................\'85...\'85.. at the bank (please give =
\par details of YOUR account and bank =
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\b\fs24 =
Please send in US$ to}{\fs24 "}{\b\fs24 Mathematics Education into the =
21st Century Project}{\fs24 "=20
\par }{\b\fs24 A/C number 100 633142 USD 115601=20
\par Commonwealth Bank, Australia,=20
\par Camberwell Branch, Melbourne, Australia.
\par }\pard\plain \s15\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\fs24 =
\par }{\b\fs28 Please note it is very important to give us the fullest =
possible details of your payment so that its arrival can be checked and =
verified ASAP.
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs28 ****The =
recommended method is by electronic (SWIFT) transfer if =
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs24=20
\par Any cheques or drafts should be=20
\par sent }{\b\fs24 by airmail post}{\fs24 addressed to }{\b\fs24 =
Mathematics Education into the 21}{\b\fs24\super st}{\b\fs24 Century =
Project, c/o Dr. A. Rogerson,}{\fs24 }{\cs52\b\fs24\cf1 ul LISTOPADOWA =
1/45, 60-153 POZNAN, Poland}{\b\fs24 , }{\fs24=20
with the cheque,draft made out to }{\b\fs24 Mathematics Education into =
the 21}{\b\fs24\super st}{\b\fs24 Century Project.
\par }\pard\plain \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright =
\fs20\lang3081\cgrid {\b\fs24 Refund Policy}{\fs24=20
\par }\pard \s15\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 Cancellation of =
registration must be in writing to the address above. If the =
notification of cancellation is post marked }{\b\fs24 before July =
fees will be refunded, but reduced by 10% to cover administration and =
bank charges. Please note that }{\b\fs24 after July 1st no refund will =
be possible}{\fs24 , but the Conference Proceedings will be mailed to =
you by surface mail.=20
\par }\pard \s15\qc\sb60\sa60\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24 We look =
forward to hearing from you and to meeting and working with you in =
Sicily 2002! Please get in touch if you have any questions or =
problems.}{\fs24 =20
\par =
\par }\pard\plain \qc\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid =
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24=20
\par }}